Is Webyast a thing??

Know I’m a bit slow, but just came across an article on Webyast…
Is this still a thing, or is there no development on it these days?

Webyast is no longer developed. Consider it dead.

If you’re looking for a way to run YaST on a remote machine,
The recommended way is to set up an SSH connection (which can also be set up automatically and incredibly easily during your system install),
Then you have two choices…

  1. Forward X over your SSH, and you have a graphical Desktop like VNC.
  2. Connect in text mode and you can then run YaST in ncurses (text) mode.

If you have questions about how to do any of this and are unable to put the piecces together using the oepnSUSE LEAP documentation, post here again…


There’s also AutoYaST, an XML-based autoconfiguring-/scripting mechanism. It’s intended for remotely setting up large numbers of Linux servers (I used it 8 years ago in the German Federal Employment Agency, a.k.a. »Bundesagentur für Arbeit«). You can define almost everything up-front including networking (bridging ethernet ports, decentralized storage, iLO console access, bootp/PXE, Ceph), local partitioning, cluster stuff (DRBD), monitoring (Nagios, BMC, HP Openview), and many other weird and wonderful things.

AutoYaST is also interesting for systematic tests with purely virtual machines, if you want repeated and similar guest configs, but with slight variations. You can manually modify those XML files and refer to them on the GRUB command line while booting into a SLES installer, or you can have a script generate XML in a parameterized fashion, for example database-driven. Think about the possibilities…

Thanks for the replies.
Yes, have used ssh+text, but was just wondering about the web thing - could be handy.
Never mind! :slight_smile: