I really prefer to use the onenote, which is a program in MS office.
it offers many convenient features.
for example, when I googled some useful hints, how-to’s, matlab-scripts… I put them to onenote. and it’s very quick to search in the bulk contents.
I haven’t found one counterpart in suse. but is there really a similar one?
Thanks in advance.
There are KDE3 & KDE4 (still in development) versions of Basket. I use the KDE4 version of it now, but I’ve moved much of my note-taking to Evernote, because I find it more versatile than Basket or OneNote.
The Evernote desktop client can be run in WINE, plus you can email notes to your evernote account and access your notes (+ add & edit notes) online using a browser. They also provide search for text within images.
So depending on your needs…Basket if you just want a local client that allows you to link notes in a more directly visual sense (or OneNote in WINE). Evernote if you want universal access from multiple OSes and/or devices.
I only have gnome in my machine.
does evernote have similar features like sections, pages, drag and drops(cc numbers to firefox)…
what does ‘WINE’ stand for? didn’t get the right answer from google.
Crossover and WINE are both ways to run windows applications within linux without the need of a virtual machine.
There is a big difference between Wine/Crossover and a VM.
Wine stands for Wine is not an emulator, its a recursive acronym.
I personally like zim myself, its not terribly diverse but its good for note taking and such.
Basket is also good.
as for the evernote suggestion, I would not use it…
adds if you get it free and a crap subscription service for premium…
No thanks
Another EverNote fanboy here. You can install plug-in to Firefox and with a single click you can save a page. It is web/cloud based so you can get to your stuff anywhere you are, lots of options about how to access it from your PC (see above) in addition to using a web browser.
What would be great, is if someone would put together a Kontact plug-in to sync Popup Notes (or other app) with EverNote. I hate having >1 place to look for my stuff (esp. on my work Windows PC where nothing is where it should be, for crying out loud I had to create my own user/bin directory to install my own software!) and it makes cross platform life much easier.