Is there any easy way to install stable Wine?

Hi. I’m wondering if there is any easily-installable (.rpm would be best) stable wine (1.0.1). I need it for some of my games, and am thinking about switching to opensuse 11.2. It would be best if it could install to /opt, of course, so that I could use ‘new’ (1.1.39) wine simultaneously.

Of course, it is possible to build from git, but involves quite a lot of work. Hope you can help me! :wink:

WINE is easily installable onto openSUSE 11.2 using YaST…

otherwise, you can find an RPM for openSUSE and some other distros at

you asked for ‘stable’ which i can’t promise as i’ve not tried any
available at that URL as i don’t use WINE, or Windows…ever.


However, you can not install two apps simultaneously by merely using .rpms, both versions would install their binaries in the same path (/usr/bin/ in case of wine). One of the versions would have to be configured to do so.