I did a fresh install of opensuse 15.6. Then I copied etc, var to root with no trouble. When It came to home folder, there was 112 GB to copy; the process took a while until it failed at the last 12GB. The data drive disappeared from dolphin superuser.
The message I saw in dolphin was that the drive structure was corrupted - or something to that effect. Then I found the data drive could no longer be mounted. I changed slots in the USB to no avail. When I attempted to restart, 15.6 ended up in emergency mode. I had no choice but to do another fresh reinstall. The problem now is all my files are trapped.
I am willing to start over, but I need my personal files. What utilities are there in 15.6 to recover them? Thanks in advance.
I’m using windows right now. I will get a screen capture of the problem some time today. I did not have the presence of mind to use more than one back up source; I only have the one data ssd as backup on a usb drive. I cannot mount this ssd through the usb drive at present. I checked the drive in windows which claims it is a “healthy partition.” The usb drive does work because I’m using it to back up windows.