Is there a way to look if tmp,junk is gone?

Could few of you tell me how to type in Konsole if all the tmp,junk
and private files are erase from my HD.

Please could you give me hand.

I appreciate for helping me.:wink:


> Could few of you tell me how to type in Konsole if all the tmp,junk
> and private files are erase from my HD.

you seem to have developed a lot of GOOD habits when you ran
Windows[tm], but good ONLY for Windows[tm], that is, i’m not sure but
i think i have seen your questions trying to solve these potential

-worry about how much RAM has been used, slowing the system
-worry about virus and malware, ruining everything
-worry about fragmented hard drive slowing down the system
-worry about unneeded services soaking up resources
-worry about temp files filling up the hard drive

STOP it, those ARE Windows[tm] problems…not normal Linux problems…

but, if that don’t make you happy, then put this line into your

none /tmp tmpfs auto,nodev,noexec,noatime 0 0

it will change your temporary directory to use a temporary File System
which is automatically dumped at system shutdown, so every time you
boot it begins again filling, as needed with temporary files…NEEDED
temporary files (NEVER delete them during a session, ever)…


well, that takes care of temporary SYSTEM files in /tmp…but, as for
your “junk” and “private files” you have to:

  1. figure out what you mean
  2. learn where they are
  3. make a batch file to delete them each time you shut down…

like, if you (say) don’t want the wife (or mom) to notice you have
been to then you need to figure out where your
browser leaves those traces…etc.

use nntp to fetch naughty movies?
use email to control a world wide terrorist network?
use twitter to buy and sell illegal weapons?
use Skype to buy and sell how-to-make-a-nuclear-weapon info?
etc…you have to figure all of that out yourself…and, when you do
your very best and still get caught, you will have learned that most
country’s intelligence services STILL have ways to know which kind’a
kinky sex you are into… :slight_smile:

good luck with all of that.


Will it do that Yast–>System–>cron–> TMP_DIRS_TO_CLEAR.

Cron–>OWNER_TO_KEEP_IN_TMP is that good enough.

Thank you;)

If you’re interesting in cleaning the temporary files that were used by a specific program, not all of them use /tmp, as primary pointed out. Each program is different.

For example, Mozilla Firefox 3 stores its cache files in the hidden directory


The “PROFILE_STRING” is unique to each user profile; it’ll be a random-looking string like “d43Hdsa.default.” But you don’t have to go looking for that unless you’re really paranoid; in Firefox 3, use the menu option “Tools->Clear Private Data.”

To ensure that it’s cleared every time you exit Firefox, use “Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy” and check the button, “Always clear my private data when I exit Firefox.”

Each program is different. As a general rule, software that is system-wide uses /tmp. Programs that are user-specific tend to use directories in the user’s home directory, and you’ll have to look at the documentation for that program to find how to clear it.

But as primary also pointed out, you may be worrying yourself over nothing. Linux is NOT Windows. (For which we may all be very grateful. :slight_smile: ) You just don’t need to worry that much about temp files, mem caching, etc., etc. – unless you’re really concerned about security, not performance.

Did I missed anything except:

TMP_DIRS_TO_CLEAR and OWNER_TO_KEEP_IN_TMP is there more I can do.

Well in Firefox I did that at the beginning when I installed suse
and you are 95% right nothing is 100% secure only one is the safety way way not plug the computer of the power supply,just unplug the net cable.That is the best thinglol!lol!.

I know that novell to the best they can do.They do very,very good job on that and I`m very happy for that.

I very appreciate for helping me;).
