Is there a potential conflict between ksshaskpass and keepassxc and can wallet manager be removed?

I have never had much success with ksshaskpass and Wallet Manager and have been looking at keepassxc to manage my passwords.
Before I rush in please could somebody who knows about these things advise if I can make the change to keepassxc and what should I do to remove existing Wallet and passwords.

I don’t know about removing wallet manager. But if you just want to remove existing wallet and passwords, those are in “$HOME/.local/share/kwalletd”. You can just remove all files from there.

You will probably be prompted again to setup “kwallet”. You can give it a blank password.

Personally, I was never bothered by “kwallet”. I set it to stay open, so I was only prompted once per login session. But now, with Leap 15.0, I have “pam_kwallet” installed and I am never prompted (wallet is unlocked with login password as part of the login procedure).

Hi and thanks for the reply. I did as you suggested by deleting the files from “$HOME/.local/share/kwalletd,” installed keepassxc and created new database with new password. So far no problems.
Then thought I would try and run LuckyBackup which I know needs a password. Problem is that LuckyBackup uses KWallet and so starts with the message:-

  Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(). 

I suspect this may be off topic but am I stuck with the use of KWallet in LuckyBackup?

if you set kwallet to empty password it stops asking. for it

Hi all and done. Many thanks. Does not address my LuckyBackup issue but will get back to that later.
Thanks again.

My understanding is that ksshaspass works with kwallet and thus needs kwallet running. from the ksshaspass github page

Ksshaskpass is a front-end for ssh-add which stores the password of the
sh key in KWallet.
Ksshaskpass is not meant to be executed directly, you need to tell
ssh-add about it. ssh-add will then call it if it is not associated
to a terminal.