Is there a place on this site, or elsewhere, which allows me to make a custom disc for personal use?

What I want to do it build a disc my self, by adding programs which don’t automatically come with opensuse, then download it, so when it installs it installs the programs i added? is there something like this?

I’m a noob, and just something simple would do fine…?

I can’t imagine why you want to do this, I haven’t had to install any additional programs other than what OpenSuse has available. It’s easy to install using Yast.

I’ve never done this, because I’ve never had to, but if you really need to do it, get an iso unpacking program, search for ‘iso unpacking program’. Unpack the ISO file, from the download, into a temp directory, add your packages, repack into a new ISO using a new name so you don’t confuse it with the original. It really seems more trouble than it’s worth.

Just doing it for a bit of fun really, like to try new things… thats alll.

I’ve come accross this thing called ‘suse studio’ is this any good?

milojb wrote:

> I’ve come accross this thing called ‘suse studio’ is this any good?
I cannot answer the question from my experience. But from what I can see it
seems to be what you want.

There is a specialized forum for suse studio

I think it is worth (after reading and trying to understand the available
documentation for suse studio of course) to post a question at this forum.

“udaman I can’t imagine why you want to do this, I haven’t had to install any additional programs other than what OpenSuse has available. It’s easy to install using Yast”

I can imagine why you would want to do this. I can because I have come up with a reason for doing it. And I came here to try to find out if anyone has had to do this.

I need to do an install of Linux and then configure it for a certain task (be a desktop workstation). Now I need to capture that install into an ISO so that it can be installed on another machine. And then another machine, etc.

Yes, I could do the install for each of those machines. But, I don’t want to spend 8 hours per machine waiting for it to get all the stuff off the internet to finish the build (even with the DVD iso for 64bit Linux, I spend a lot of time answering questions and waiting). What I want to do is take the running system and turn it into an iso that is bootable and have it install itself.

So, if anyone has experience with this, can point me to a HOWTO for it, or whatever, I’d really like to read up on it and understand it so I know how much work I have to do to make it all work.

Best to go there and follow your nose. I have not made one myself but I did take a look and it seem pretty straight forward. But remember like all powerful tools it can interesting quarks and you can paint yourself into a corner if you tinker too much in the inner workings with out understanding them. But if planning on just changing the basic application load out then it should not be too complicated. Also you will find a lot of premade images for special purposed there. Go visit and look around