To date I have hosted photos on my web site by inserting them in HTML pages. This is tedious and lacks various tools (for uploading, categorizing in albums, controlling permissions, etc.) that are offered by stand-alone gallery apps such as Piwigo and Lychee. Those apps don’t have a way that I see to get out of the gallery and link to the main sequence of HTML pages. Nor does there seem to be any way to incorporate extensive text pages into the gallery ( I’m not keen on using images of text that can’t be searched).
Haven’t found anything useful searching web sites of the gallery apps or the WWW. Any suggestions?
Our local Linux users group looked at this in October 2024 but concluded that there isn’t anything worthwhile at present.
In theory it is perfectly possible to do what you want with a Linux server but it would be very tedious to set up when you are not starting from scratch.
There seem to be two difficulties for anyone developing this software in general: everyone is likely to want different categories for their photo albums and probably different ways of controlling permissions.
I maintain a static site where images are categorised but there are no permissions; everything is open to everyone.
There is jAlbum - Free Photo Gallery Website Software, e.g. Albums photos - Club Alpin Ile-de-France.
Jalbum lookED interesting. Downloaded the .rpm but installing with Yast stopped because the header package was not signed. When I searched their web site it seemed that the app worked only with their hosting, which not what I want–I want files on my own server.
Am I right/wrong about the tie to the on-line service?
To models are there. License + webspace or license only, last one you host your pictures yourself - at home or hoster. Three plans are there, the free plan is minimal and only for testing.
That’s what I read.
What I did:
- Added the repo as follows:
erlangen:~ # cat /etc/zypp/repos.d/jalbum.repo
erlangen:~ #
- Installed with zypper:
erlangen:~ # zypper in jalbum
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'jalbum' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'jalbum-37-1.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
erlangen:~ #
take a look a immich, it might be what you are looking for.