Crazy little question, How am I supposed to search for stuff? (GUI only) I want to find email by sender, contacts by any means, pdfs that I have named etc…
For example, I would like to find some pdf for a client named “Judy” and the files are named judy_quote or “judy quote”.
How do I do a simple search for these type documents. According to Nepomuk there are 25000 files index but how to use this database?
The kde menu search does not seem to find them.
The other search thing alt-F2 seems to have disappeared, it seemed be a little better than the kmenu.
Apple mac reference here, is there a spotlight for kde or linux in general.
If you have Nepomuk enabled, check it’s settings re. what to index.
Next, in Dolphin open the search tool.
F.e. I have a document that has the text “Kees ziek”, which is not in the document title, not in metadata. If I search for “ziek” with the Content tab active, the doc gets found. Same goes for email messages stored in kmail.
Ok yeah, I had all that stuff checked. For some reason I do not have Alt-F2 and when I go into the standard shortcuts I can not find it in there or anything related to “search” besides the dolphin Ctl-F.
Krunner can do searches. Just check which plugins you have enabled. Also it might help to change the default appearance from command orientated to task orientated and also choose free floating.
if you hold down the left Alt key and momentarily press the F2 key
and release both, do you then get a pop-up at the top center of the
screen with a blank you can type into?
if nothing happens: is it possible your screen size is incorrectly
set and you can’t see the absolute top of the screen because it is
off in nowhereville?
I get that (Alt-F2) as expected on the pc that I upgraded via dup but on the machine I did clean install I do not have it. I guess that is called Krunner and I see that it is installed but not auto-starting for some reason, I will fix it.
Since I use KDE, I typically open YaST Software Manager and search on kfind and install it. It used to be installed by default, but that is no longer the case and shows up in the KDE menu then. Alt-F2 & type in kfind also works after it gets installed.