is there a cd cataloger like cdcat but more recent?
i tried and didn’t like katalog and gnome cd catalog
i need something like cdbank in windows
cdcat in not bad but is no longer developed in 3 years?
any ideas?
is there a cd cataloger like cdcat but more recent?
i tried and didn’t like katalog and gnome cd catalog
i need something like cdbank in windows
cdcat in not bad but is no longer developed in 3 years?
any ideas?
just a quick check in Yast:
this post helped alllllllllllllllllot
by the way how did you find them
i searched google and but the result where not satisfying
thanks again rotfl!
i installed cdnavigator but when i run it it says
~> CDnavigator
/usr/bin/build-classpath: error: Could not find hsqldb Java extension for this J
/usr/bin/build-classpath: error: Some specified jars were not found
java virtual machine used: /usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin/java
classpath used: /usr/share/java/commons-logging.jar:/usr/share/java/saxon.jar:/u
sr/share/java/jcommon.jar:/usr/share/java/jfreechart.jar:/usr/share/java/jl.jar: /usr/share/java/jorbis.jar:/usr/share/java/jspeex.jar:/usr/share/java/looks2.jar :/usr/share/java/metadata-extractor.jar:/usr/share/java/mp3spi.jar:/usr/share/ja va/tritonus_share.jar:/usr/share/java/vorbisspi.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/ hdf.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/jtds-1.2.2.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/s axon8.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/jh-2.0.5.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/c ommons-io-1.4.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/jd3lib.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavig ator/commons-cli-1.1.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/basicplayer3.0.jar:/usr/sha re/java/CDnavigator/ojdbc14.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/jcalendar-1.3.2.jar: /usr/share/java/CDnavigator/CDnavigator.jar:/usr/share/java/CDnavigator/mediauti l.jar:/home/reza/CDnavigator/doc/javahelp
main class used: cz.hdf.cdnavigator.CDnavigator
flags used:
options used:
arguments used:
INFO: Loading config from: /home/reza/.cdnavigator.xml
WARNING: Can not read XML config file. /home/reza/.cdnavigator.xml (No such file or directory)
WARNING: Can not load config to: /home/reza/.cdnavigator.xml
INFO: Loading config from: etc/cdnavigator.xml
SEVERE: DB driver class not found.
SEVERE: Can not connect to database. java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver f ound for jdbc:hsqldb:file:CDnavigator.db
> by the way how did you find them
> i searched google and but the result where not satisfying
All I used was Yast: They must be in one of the repositories I have enabled. Since you found them, you can check yourself in which repo they are, I assume
did you install from Yast? If not, do that.
Else I recommend you start a new thread titled “CDNavigator: Java errors” or some such, to get the attention of people who actually know the product. Because I don’t <G>
thanks i fixed it by installing and addon package of cdnavigator
it seems it needs a database so i tried them all and it worked with hds… or something like that and its seems that this db is internal and doesn’t listen to a port witch is good
but for using this program i can’t add anything to it and cd scanning just shows a dialog that stays that way for a lonnnnnnng time
any help?
> but for using this program i can’t add anything to it and cd scanning
> just shows a dialog that stays that way for a lonnnnnnng time
> any help?
Again, I’d start a new thread with a more specific subject line.
thanks a lot anyway