Is possible to natively install a .DEB file ?

Okay, this might be a stupid question, but I really wonder if is possible to install natively a deb package without converting it to rpm using alien.
I see that openSUSE have a dpkg package, would be possible to run dpkg -i and install a deb ?


On Mon 10 Aug 2015 01:16:01 PM CDT, Luca91 wrote:

Okay, this might be a stupid question, but I really wonder if is
possible to install natively a deb package without converting it to rpm
using alien.
I see that openSUSE have a dpkg package, would be possible to run dpkg
-i and install a deb ?


It would probably break your system… even alien has it’s limitations.
How do you know the package has been built with the same libraries/gcc
etc? All are potential issues.

What application is it? Have you searched OBS?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
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On 2015-08-10 15:16, Luca91 wrote:
> Okay, this might be a stupid question, but I really wonder if is
> possible to install natively a deb package without converting it to rpm
> using alien.
> I see that openSUSE have a dpkg package, would be possible to run dpkg
> -i and install a deb ?

Natively? No way. Unless you install an rpm, the rpm database will not
be updated, and the “system” will not know you installed that package.

Then, if at some later point a repository has that package, and you
install it for whatever reason, the package manager will not be aware
that there is a previous install of the same.deb. The result is

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

Well, that can also happens with software and libraries compiled from source code ? right ?

It would probably break your system… even alien has it’s limitations.
How do you know the package has been built with the same libraries/gcc
etc? All are potential issues.

What application is it? Have you searched OBS?

No, I was just wondering :slight_smile:

Compiling from source is a lot better then to try using a deb.

yeah, but then will the system know that you installed that package ? What happens if you compile from source code and then also install the same program with an rpm ?

Thanks for these clarifications (and sorry for the OT)

Sure if there is an instal step in compiling and in most cases a latter install would simply overwrite things.

You may have to add it manually to the menu depends on the make file

yeah, but then will the system know that you installed that package ? What happens if you compile from source code and then also install the same program with an rpm ?

when you compile from source if you do not use the --prefix switch the compiled binaries go to /usr/local/bin/
if latter on you install the same application from an rpm the file will probably go to /usr/bin/
the way Linux uses $PATH the rpm binaries will be used first and the compiled ones will be ignored.

to use a deb file without converting it with alien is pointless, there is a dpkg for openSUSE but that one is used to extract content from deb files or making deb’s, not installing them.

On 2015-08-10 17:26, Luca91 wrote:
> Well, that can also happens with software and libraries compiled from
> source code ? right

Absolutely. But those are installed under /usr/local/. Depending on path
order, the system tools may have preference or not.

And you can convert the local install to an rpm, with… checkinstall, I
think the name is. That’s what I normally do, so the rpm database knows
about it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

yes I use to use checkinstall with --prefix=/usr back when I use to build applications/drivers now I just search
and find almost everything I might need
there was/is a kde3 gui kconfigure for generating rpm’s out of ./configure scripts