Is packman down. Not visible when I view the list of repositories in YAST.

Hello Folks!

a Packman Repo question.

I just did a fresh install and wanted to add the Packman repo and noticed it wasn’t in the list of Repositories in YAST. Is the inode down? in my older system it is not present as well. I do have it in my YAST list of configured Repositories, in my older system.


It should be.
YaST - Software - Repositories - Add - Repos maintained by community .


Correct, but it is not there.

Could it be a USA thing?

What happens when you add it in terminal? Never did it differently

 sudo zypper addrepo -f packman 


Yes, thank you, that does add it, but they are still missing in YAST. I believe others are missing too. Like libdvdcss.

Interesting, You right, must be a glitch or something

a number of repos appear to be missing from “community repositories”.
YOu can just add a Packman mirror using Add > Specify URL in Yast