I am trying to install opensuse 11.1 from livecd-kde and opensuse will not allow me to custom-partition my disk.
THis is my disk layout:
sda1 reserved for opensuse
sda5 ubuntu
sda6 ubuntu
sda7 debian
sda8 debian
and when I get to partitioning, opensuse thinks it’s smarter than me by not allowing me to partition my disk to my own liking.
Here is the layout it is offering me:
sda1 /
sda3 /swap
sda8 /home
My Gossh! I don’t need a swap on this machine so I delete it, but wait how about the /home my debian is there and only micro$oft would tell me to erase my debian system rotfl!.
But anyway I would appreciate any advice on how I can just do a custom-partitioning as I have done for many years with debian and fedora.
tenmoi adjusted his/her AFDB on Wednesday 05 Aug 2009 16:46 to write:
> I am trying to install opensuse 11.1 from livecd-kde and opensuse will
> not allow me to custom-partition my disk.
> THis is my disk layout:
> sda1 reserved for opensuse
> sda5 ubuntu
> sda6 ubuntu
> sda7 debian
> sda8 debian
> and when I get to partitioning, opensuse thinks it’s smarter than me by
> not allowing me to partition my disk to my own liking.
> Here is the layout it is offering me:
> sda1 /
> sda3 /swap
> sda8 /home
> My Gossh! I don’t need a swap on this machine so I delete it, but wait
> how about the /home my debian is there and only micro$oft would tell me
> to erase my debian system rotfl!.
> But anyway I would appreciate any advice on how I can just do a
> custom-partitioning as I have done for many years with debian and
> fedora.
There is an option in the partitioning section o Create or Edit the scheme,
also there is a “Expert” mode as well.
Here you can change whatever you want.
Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum
i don’t know for sure, but i GUESS you have a “/home” somewhere on
SDA8 and the openSUSE installer was gonna offer to set you up to use
the SAME home on openSUSE as on your debian install (you, know see and
use your docs, mail, etc)…
same for it wanting to USE an existing swap (SDA3) it found on the disk…