is not a valid identifier


I get the message:
': not a valid identifier: 'keuze

on this piece of script

read keuze
if $keuze == 1 ]
echo “1”

echo “2”


But i can’t see to find a problem :S

Solved it. Linux doesnt like it if you made the script in windows notepad :frowning:

Yes, Windoze add an additional Carriage-Return character to every Newline character.

However, you can strip those off by using dos2unix program.

Zeepblok wrote:
> Solved it. Linux doesnt like it if you made the script in windows
> notepad :frowning:
linux and windows use different end of line and line feed hex
codes…and, maybe some other stuff (i forget)…

so you have to translate if you wanna code on a game system and then
run on a real system :wink:
