(continued from my frustrated plea for help in the “install” subforum)
I’m going to probably move any future posts over to the soap box.
…but in regards to my messages - I do have R and Matlab on my windows computer, but they are also script-centric: I have to get back to writing code to make them work. It’s the same deal with the seismic software packages. I have to write code and scripts in order to define my vectors and vector fields, and matrices. I have to hand-edit my seismic event files and assemble the pick tables, then run the processes. It’s like, 1968-style batch processing on an IBM 360, except I don’t have to create a punch card.
I’ve yet to get past the simple stuff and even plot anything, because the little details trip me up. Permissions, commas in the wrong place, symantics. Odd stuff that requires hours of troubleshooting. Ill-defined arrays that worked for one researcher on his computer but not mine because some obscure file somewhere in the include directory might have a system dependency… That stuff prevents me from getting anything done. I want to study how seismic energy reflects and refracts within the earth, and I want to merge seismic array data to images those crustal structures. I want to see the relationships, look for trapped bits of ancient oceanic crust sandwiched within granitic continental crust within an accreted terrane, map the conrad discontinuity, determine if the moho is tilted, flat, folded, whatever… I want to use linux as a TOOL to these study these phenomena, not simply study Linux.
Okay, since my last post, I have tried to figure out how to share a directory between this linux machine and my windows computer. I have struck out and wasted 45 minutes. I created a modified fstab, sourced from the /etc/fstab file and you think I could figure out how to re-write it back? No. It’s a permissions problem. I can log in as superuser from a command window but can’t figure out how to copy the new file over into the /etc directory. That is my continual frustration with linux. So many myriad , niggling tiny details that one must memorize in order to get anything done. DO I need to re-learn VI? Do I need to remember how to use cp and rn and re-learn the precise symantics of those commands? Is there no way to adjust permissions from the Dolphin GUI? All I want to do is create a persistent shared directory where I can park common files between the computers, then establish a link to my printer on my network. I’m poring over the documentation, seen several methods listed, but the tiny details prevent me from employing any of them.
It’s 45-minutes here, an hour there, every single time I need to use Linux which is why I’m so frustrated. Every day, even my weekends, since the middle of 2011 have been like this and I’m seriously ready to quit. Why others aren’t experiencing these problems is exactly the reason I have begun to think it’s me - I’ve wasted hundreds, if not thousands of hours struggling with this. --almost feel like I’m trying to learn how to speak, read, and write Chinese by watching Chinese commercial television.
By the way. I used to like computer programming. I used to happily create all kinds of BASIC programs, PASCAL (remember Borland?), and I even tried my hand at writing WAT-IV and Fortran-IV on punchcards with a vintage IBM360 before they decommissioned it. Usually the stuff worked. I wrote a bit of stuff on a DEC PDP-11, and even restored a Dec micro-VAX with help from the VAX users group - however it was painful to figure out, and once everything was fully functional, I sold off the whole project - The miniVAX, and the microvax workstations, the huge monitors, the lot.
What I need help with is how to THINK in such a way that it doesn’t cost me tens of hours to use this tool. If Linux was a screwdriver, I’d spend ten hours troubleshooting why the darned thing didn’t fit into the slot on the top of the screw which looked PLAINLY visible ~
Rant over. for now ~ I’m shutting down and think I’ll go sweep out the garage, beat on some random piece of metal with a hammer, or go weld something! ANYTHING!