When i converted my Lappy in mid-June from Maui to TW, i replaced all its SSD content with a new partition table created with the TW installer, made root use btrfs, & my separate /home partition use ext4, & set it + swap to be encrypted [only these two; deliberately not also root]. If it helps, fstab is:
/dev/mapper/cr_ata-SAMSUNG_SSD_PM810_2.5__256GB_snipsnipsnip-part4 swap swap defaults 0 0UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb / btrfs noatime 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /boot/grub2/i386-pc btrfs noatime,subvol=@/boot/grub2/i386-pc 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /boot/grub2/x86_64-efi btrfs noatime,subvol=@/boot/grub2/x86_64-efi 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /opt btrfs noatime,subvol=@/opt 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /srv btrfs noatime,subvol=@/srv 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /usr/local btrfs noatime,subvol=@/usr/local 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/cache btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/cache 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/crash btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/crash 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/lib/libvirt/images btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/lib/libvirt/images 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/lib/machines btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/lib/machines 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/lib/mailman btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/lib/mailman 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/lib/mariadb btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/lib/mariadb 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/lib/mysql btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/lib/mysql 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/lib/named btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/lib/named 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/lib/pgsql btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/lib/pgsql 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/log btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/log 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/opt btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/opt 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/spool btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/spool 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /var/tmp btrfs noatime,subvol=@/var/tmp 0 0
UUID=59c063db-fa0d-4e1e-baa2-df255f4262fb /.snapshots btrfs noatime,subvol=@/.snapshots 0 0
UUID=411E-AE07 /boot/efi vfat noatime,umask=0002,utf8=true 0 0
/dev/mapper/cr_ata-SAMSUNG_SSD_PM810_2.5__256GB_snipsnipsnip-part5 /home ext4 noatime,acl,nofail 0 2
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs noatime,size=25% 0
I continue to be very impressed with openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE, however i am still feeling a sense of intimidation & trepidation about my personal capability to ever properly come to grips with repo management. By that i mean as associated with installing programs that are important to me but are not in the “standard” repos [which then add additional repos, & require me to accept unsigned GPG certificates whose providence i cannot possibly attest, & then potentially / actually run into critical dependency conflicts]. I have prior fora topics on some of the issues i’ve had, entirely due to my inexperience i hasten to add [ie, i am not allocating blame beyond [i]me], for which i have received much generous forum help. This complexity is way beyond what i am used to in the *buntu/Debian derivative world. I am trying to improve my capability, but am not yet convinced i will “get there”.
Therefore, i recognise that a time might come when i realise i am not good enough to be a competent robust oS TW user [it’s TW or nothing; i’m not interested in Leap], & when i might then reluctantly elect to return to the *buntu/Debian derivative world. That possibility has made me wonder what then might happen to my current encrypted /home partition [ie, its data, obviously].
In Maui etc, when installing or reinstalling with a separate encrypted =eCryptFS] /home partition, ALL the info needed to decrypt said partition resides in /home itself, in its .ecryptfs directory, hence reformatting root & reinstalling there is benign to any encrypted separate home. Conversely in my Lappy’s TW /home partition, i can see no comparable directory, but in root i see /etc/crypttab. I don’t really understand this file [it looks pretty innocuous when inspected in Kate], but presume it’s needed for the ongoing encryption / decryption process ??]. If so, then obviously any future reformat of root & new distro installation there will lose this file.
Does that mean that my /home would become effectively useless [ie, un-decryptable]? Of course i know about the general good practice of backing up home before any major system change, but i’d just like to understand the likely outcome in the scenario i described, pls.