is KDE 4.2 available for open-suse 11.1


I heard KDE 4.2 released recently.

Is it possible to upgrade my open suse 4.1 KDE?

How to do it if it’s possible


There are quite a few threads on this topic could have found them with a quick forum search :wink:
You need to add the 4 factory repos here KDE/Repositories - openSUSE but first remove any other kde repos you have.


See the “KDE 4.2?” thread, you can find all the answers there. :slight_smile:

Hi. Yes, that’s possible. Basically you just have to add the kde4 factory repository. For more information look around in the forums first. There are already some threads on that. Good luck!

:slight_smile: I’m enjoying 4.2 right now,it is fantastic!
Just keep that 4 repo: OSS,NON-OSS,Update & Packman,then add another 4 repo from 4.2 factory: Desktop,Qt,Extra Application & Community,according to yr SUSE version.
Just 8 repo.
Then update the apps in each of the 4.2 factory repo,by select ‘Packege’ in Yast software manager,click ‘update without condition’. What I did just update Desktop & Qt repo,leave another 2 which I don’t think I need it now.
There will be some dependencies conflict,I just chose the solution provided by pop-up. ONE THING,NEVER CHOOSE ‘IGNORE DEPENDENCIES ISSUE’,THAT SCREWED ME UP ONCE :open_mouth: You can either deinstall or downgrade the thing,u can reinstall them after upgrade.
Great job from KDE team!