Is it possible to change individual notification settings?

I’ve been having issues caused by Package Kit running on bootup. I’ve found that if it’s running and I try to get on the internet (using Firefox), it generally locks up my system requiring a hard reset.

The notification that there are updates available flashes on my screen for maybe a second, then goes away - but the evidence is that Package Kit is still present in the background, even though it doesn’t show up if I run System Monitor before trying to run Firefox or YAST.

I’d like to be able to change notifications - for updates, I’d prefer to have the pop-up stay on the screen until I either open Package Updater or close the pop-up.

Is it possible to change the pop-up notification for individual programs - extend the length that a notification pop-up remains on the desktop? (Most of the other programs have pop-ups disabled, and for most of the ones which do have notifications set, a second or two is sufficient.)

Thanks for any help!


You have not indicated which desktop environment you are using. That makes it hard to guess what you are seeing.

Assuming you are using KDE:

System Settings => “Personalization” => Notifications => at the bottom: “Applications:” - hit the “configure button” and search for “Software Updates” in the list on the left side.

Gnome 3.34.7 (I believe Gnome Classic). Sorry about that… I keep forgetting important things I should mention or do when I post.


FYI - Computer is Dell i7 3.40Ghz x8, Intel HD graphics (with three monitors), 64 bit, 2Tb hard drive, 16Gb memory. I use the Wicked internet connection, and usually Firefox for a browser.

That clarifies things.

I can only hope that a regular Gnome user can help you.

I do have Gnome installed, but I mostly use KDE.