
I was given an old ipod. I want to add/delete music on it. Which is the best (or only) program to run an ipod? A search on the forum has only 1 post in the last year and that is about clementine in general.

There’re two applications in the openSUSE repositories –

Be aware that, “Audacity” also has some iPod/iTunes support …

Thanks. But which do you prefer/recommend?

I suspect that, the GTK application (GUI) will rely on the FUSE application to access the iPod –

  • The FUSE application simply allows user’s to mount the iPod as if it were a USB-Stick …

I installed the gtkpod. It’s ok. It shows the titles in an semi-organized fashion. It allowed me to delete a couple of hundred songs. Have yet to try uploading but I suspect it will be easy.