IP addresses are visible by NTTP does this concern you?

That was a ? and a stupid reversed slash.

I still don’t understand why this thread doesn’t have the minimum edit time policy.

May I ask exactly how this would affect NTTP usage?

Mark Levin has banned my IP from posting on his forum…apparently he does not like my attitude towards his views.

On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 08:56:01 +0000, FeatherMonkey wrote:

> I really don’t know how you got to that conclusion.

Thread about ab’s signatures, did you not say that you resigned your
moderator position over it? Or did I read it wrong?


On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 08:56:01 +0000, FeatherMonkey wrote:

> I still don’t understand why this thread doesn’t have the minimum edit
> time policy.

It should, as far as I know. <shrug>

> May I ask exactly how this would affect NTTP usage?

It probably wouldn’t; as you noted, it’s not a required field. I think
many NNTP administrators leave it in as a default setting, and having it
there does help the community police bad players. I have used it (as a
user) to identify people who are trying to promote a particular point of
view by posting using multiple identities. Gives the community a chance
to do a little self-policing, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all.

For my own usage as well, if I read a message from someone and it strikes
me as being offensive for some reason, the address also gives me a tool
to make a value judgment as to whether maybe there’s a cultural or
language reason for their behaviour, and gives me a chance to temper my
response appropriately. In an international forum, I find that to be a
useful tool to have available.

For some NNTP users, they will also use a feed to do off-line reading,
and if they know, for example, there’s a subnet that tends to generate
more noise than useful information, they can filter on the subnet - much
like Chrysantine uses a proxy server configured to filter out those of us
who use NNTP (at least she’s said she does).

IOW, for some users, a useful tool to have available for various reasons.


Thread about ab’s signatures, did you not say that you resigned your
moderator position over it? Or did I read it wrong?

It wasn’t the inclusion of NTTP, but that really isn’t a discussion for a thread a lot lot lot more is involved. I would be more than willing to explain more but that isn’t relevant to this, and would done through PM’s.(And note long long time gone)

I’m just a great believer that a community should be run by people that want to and have the skills. That when time constraints or other things get in the way they step down to allow people with more time and better skills to step in. That the community shapes its self by its self. That is regardless of title or where the contribution be, be they Mods, devs etc…

Me and you sort of actually agree and to a certain extent so do the mod team other wise this thread may not of appeared.

I do think that there should be a permanent and prominent notice that this is the default behaviour of this forum as it isn’t the norm but the exception. If no change is to be made.

Lets just say it was the cherry on the icing.

On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:16:01 +0000, FeatherMonkey wrote:

> It wasn’t the inclusion of NTTP,

Then I misunderstood, and you have my apologies. :slight_smile:

> but that really isn’t a discussion for
> a thread a lot lot lot more is involved. I would be more than willing to
> explain more but that isn’t relevant to this, and would done through
> PM’s.(And note long long time gone)

Well, it’s kinda “water over the bridge” at this point (so to speak <g>).

> I’m just a great believer that a community should be run by people that
> want to and have the skills. That when time constraints or other things
> get in the way they step down to allow people with more time and better
> skills to step in. That the community shapes its self by its self. That
> is regardless of title or where the contribution be, be they Mods, devs
> etc…
> Me and you sort of actually agree and to a certain extent so do the mod
> team other wise this thread may not of appeared.

It would seem that you and I do agree on some things - that’s bound to
happen. :slight_smile: But I wouldn’t presume to speak for the mods, I don’t know
them well enough.

> I do think that there should be a permanent and prominent notice that
> this is the default behaviour of this forum as it isn’t the norm but the
> exception. If no change is to be made.

Well, I certainly wouldn’t oppose that. :slight_smile:


Agreeing was about this thread(Letting forum users know I asked if they minded if I made a poll) I’m afraid. I asked as I did realise and tried my hardest not to get to some points that did appear in this thread.

No longer being privy to how the team works like you I can’t really comment.

I would like to think this community will shape the way suse goes.

But I got tired of being branded some community heretic.

On 4/19/2009 4:56 AM, FeatherMonkey wrote:
> That was a ? and a stupid reversed slash.
> I still don’t understand why this thread doesn’t have the minimum edit
> time policy.
> May I ask exactly how this would affect NTTP usage?
IIRC the whole surveys/polls subforum doesn’t allow editing so that a)
the poll question or answer couldn’t be changed after people voted to
reflect what the poller wants the outcome to be b) so the votes can be
changed to a higher or lower amount of actual votes.

In the 10 mins it is highly unlikely that there would be enough posts to swing such a bias. TBH we are talking a community poll/survey not the next poll for the general election.

As for the other one is it really possible I found it a little clunky setting up the poll. Would I really of been able to re-edit the poll? As the poll wasn’t set up till I pressed submit. Also I’m pretty sure if this was done one of the voters who had had there vote mis-aligned would be commenting in thread.

So in my opinion seems pretty pointless. But that is your decision.

100% agreed. There are many, many ways to obtain people’s IP addresses. If hiding one’s IP is the only means of security, well, then one needs to start off with addressing his/her major security problems.

In the end, these are public forums. Any information posted here, including the poster’s IP, is up for grabs. For those who don’t like it I suggest they look into non-public forums.


[QUOTE=hendersj wrote:
Tell you what, my IP address is in the header of this message (for the

Be aware it’s a dynamic address, so it may change. You can check if it
has by looking up ncciphotos.dyndns.org.

Let me know if I’m at risk by exposing the IP address to you publicly.

LOL rotfl!


It dose kind of, but its not my biggest concern. After all, its not such a major issue unless I’m hack which i’m very much a noob at anyway. To counter the problem though I refresh my IP every few months, and encrypt file before moving them around when connected to the net. The other thing to do, is try not to **** too many people off. The less enemies you have, the less interested people will be in your IP.

  • FeatherMonkey wrote, On 04/19/2009 04:06 AM:

> I know you lot don’t care, and if you didn’t know your IP was being
> sent out using a mail client I would call you naive. But web forum
> users don’t know.

So what about adding a reminder in the T&C?

IMHO anyone on the internet should know that their IP is “public”. Obfuscating one’s IP isn’t the default on the internet, no matter which protocol, but if people aren’t aware of it, why not point it out?


Was kind of my thought and the reason for the thread.

How’s this additionto the Forum FAQ?

Think its fair enough it makes people aware of the behaviour.

I won’t wake the beast still not sure what the hassle of making it like other forums. So be it a compromise works both ways.

Though it isn’t just forum users when i set up nttp it has no association with my user.

Not sure, but my posts register with my user name on the forum?

Plus, the updated FAQ looks good Kim :slight_smile:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.1 (i586) Kernel
up 1:21, 1 user, load average: 0.38, 0.32, 0.33
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME

Posting might, not sure not looked but any one can download the msgs.