I have 11.1 KDE ver installed on my thinkpad laptop. The internet connection is slow here. Onto the question now…
Trying to install texlive ( ultimately for LaTex ) which is a 158 MB package, I am having a bit of trouble downloading all in one go. Does not the Yast package management/ downloader cache downloads, so that even if the user has to abort for now, the download can be resumed the next time?
Also, what is this UI tool called that downloads and installs packages? Yum? Packagekit?
If you are downloading the packages with YaST Software Management (this is GUI), you can’t resume it if you terminate. PackageKit is the opensuseupdater’s backend.
Thank you, Ram88, for the info.
Guess then the ability to resume downloads can be a suggested improvement for the future. Synaptic does this already, if memory serves me right.
Hello !
You could download all the package you need directly from the ftp server on your desktop, then double-click on them and it will install.
That way, you could download package one bye one and redownload the one that aren’t properly finished.
It’s easy from the browser: Webpin
Splitsch, thanks, this is very helpful. But, I’m not able to figure out how to download a package from the webpin link you specified- it allows searching for packages, listing their contents, downloading the ymp installer file ( 1kB or so ). But how does one download the whole package?
Would appreciate further input.
sorry, new to these things,
I think you can’t download directly rpm from Webpin. If you’ve found something what you want to download simply click to the link next to Results from.
Browse the directories here for the package (they are in the iXXX, noarch, x86_64 directories).