My setup is: internet>modem>opensuse 11.3>windows 98se
i of course have my opensuse online(i am using it now) but i cannot figure out what to do to get 98se to work. it is all ethernet. i have ethernet directly from my modem to my integrated adapter on the opensuse computer, then another ethernet directly from my pci ethernet card to my 98se. Anyone want to give me step by step instructions? Maybe some screenshots as well? I looked all over and couldn’t find anything i can understand.
So you can search on Linux Internet Connection Sharing and find some hits on the subject. However, the Ethernet Broadband Router I use from D-Link on Time Warner cable cost me less that $50 US at Best Buy who is not known for their super low cost (they are convenient and well stocked however). The default Router settings worked out of the box. Most Routers these days will include wirelsss, but still can have wired ports. Any way, I hope you find the answer you are looking for, but a hardware solution will be a lot less trouble in my humble opinion.
i do have a router, even room for one more ethernet cord. i just don’t have long enough ethernet cord for the router to 98. i do have long enough cord for suse to 98
> i do have a router, even room for one more ethernet cord. i just don’t
> have long enough ethernet cord for the router to 98. i do have long
> enough cord for suse to 98
You should be able to do IP Masquerading on OpenSuse. This Howto will help
you set it up:
You will need two network cards on the OpenSuse box. One for internal use and
one to connect to the internet.
P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green
Sounds like you may want to consider bridging the openSUSE NICs rather than routing/ICS/Masquerading. Assuming you have at least two NICs in your openSUSE box, Yast makes it pretty easy to bridge them which essentially lets your openSUSE box treat them as ports on a switch. Bridging is nice in that it would make your 98SE box a normal member of your network instead of being on it’s own NAT segment… unless isolation is also part of what you’re going for.
A little more step-by-step: The following are the steps I took from yast in text-mode but should be virtually identical to the steps from the gui if you’d rather.
yast -> network devices -> network settings.
Add a network device and select Bridge as it’s type.
Configure the bridge to get an IP dynamically or statically just as you configured the integrated NIC in the first place.
Select both of your NICs from Bridged Devices and finish out the wizard.
Plug both NICs in as you intended. The Win98SE will now network however any other machine would. If you have DHCP on your network the 98SE box will pick up from DHCP like any other device would. If your net is static, then configure it statically just as you would any other device.
Personally, I find bridging to be much less hassle because it essentially just extends your existing network in a very natural way.
> On Sun July 18 2010 10:16 pm, Xezus wrote:
>> i do have a router, even room for one more ethernet cord. i just don’t
>> have long enough ethernet cord for the router to 98. i do have long
>> enough cord for suse to 98
> Xezus;
> You should be able to do IP Masquerading on OpenSuse. This Howto will help
> you set it up:
> You will need two network cards on the OpenSuse box. One for internal use
> one to connect to the internet.
Of course, for the cost of a NIC you could probably just add a switch.
Connect the Windows and Suse to the switch and the switch to the router. You
would need a cables that reached from each box to the switch and one cable
from the switch to the router.
P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green
Thanks. Much easier. I found out my problem too. I had the cord from the router plugged into the integrated card and then a cord from my pci card to the 98. i switched the cords: router>pci and integrated>98 and it works perfect. Thanks