Installing XP and Linux - Dual Boot

I bought a new desktop a few weeks ago. The computer came without operating system and I installed opensuse with KDE user platform.

While I would like to keep exploring and working with linux I realize that I am not ready to make a total cut with windows so I went back to the store and bought XP Professional and another harddrive.

I would like to have a setup that allows me to pick the operating system at startup (dual boot).
I have no personal information copied onto the system yet, so I can pretty much start with the installation and partitioning of the disks from “sratch”.

I need some step by step instructions how do go about this - maybe somebody can direct me to a tutorial or similar thread out there.

Here some additional questions:

  • From what I understand ideally XP is being installed first - correct?
  • This means I will deinstall Linux and/ or format the harddrive?
  • How shall I partition the harddrives. I have one 500GB and one 1TB

Sorry for the long post - looking forward to receiving your feedback.

Partitioning/Install Guide - openSUSE Forums

You can install windows after Linux provided you have fewer than four primary partitions. So let’s see the existing situation: please open a console window and iussue thsi command and post back the results:

sudo /sbin/fdisk -l
That will show us what partitions already exist.

Then answer these questions:

  1. In a perfect world, how would you like to use the 500Gb and 1000Gb drives?
  2. Do you want windows and Linux on two different drives or on just one drive or do you have no predisposition about that?
  3. Would it bother you to reinstall Suse?

I used the Partitioner under Yast to pull this up:
2.01GB Swap SWAP
20.00GB Ext3 /
443.75GB Ext3 /HOME

With regard to the questions:

  1. I would like to have Linux and XP installed on the 500GB with the 1TB for Windows document storage. If I end up installing Linux again I could increase the SWAP to 5GB (if there is a benefit - I guess)
  2. I think it makes more sense to have both operating systems on the same harddrive but I am really open to suggestions.
  3. No

Install XP on the other HD, with the suse HD unplugged.
The we plug back the suse HD - make sure it’s first in the BIOS boot order. Boot suse and then we setup a boot in the menu for windows
And also we will want to set a mount for the new XP drive so we can read / write to it from suse.

Once you have installed windows and have booted back to suse. Get us the result of the following from a su terminal

cat /boot/grub/menu.lst


fdisk -l

Well the simple solution that fulfils all your heart’s desires is to:

  1. save any data on the suse install (like files in /home/yourname/docs or music or whatever) – maybe put them temp on the big drive.
  2. pop in the windows install CD and install windows. When you see the win partitioner, delete all the suse partitions. Then make one partition of any size that suits you on the 500 drive for win and install it, leaving the rest of that drive for Suse, unpartitioned, empty.
  3. pop in the openSUSE installer and let it have it’s head with the empy space on the 500 drive.

It’s been a view days but I wanted to get back and say thanks for the help.

I have it up and running and it looks good.
Still having problem with the Audio but I will look into the Troubleshooting Guide and report back if required.

Thanks again!