Installing Without CD


I’m actually a new guy on this of the Linux World (Ubuntu does not count like a “use”, if you switched back to windows due to the lack ef stability of the 5.x series) :shame:
Anyway, the target PC is a now-obsolete PC from 2000 that it lacks of much performance that LACKS OF CD/DVD Drive but it is out enough for surfin the web these days…

I Tried to install it to the pc by using the “Installer”, but it tries to load the DVD… Sad :frowning:

I also tried UNetbootin, but it also does not let me do anything…

There’s any way to install from the hard drive?

If i need partitioning, any free WXP tool to make it?

I Could even run it on a P-IV at 1.8GHz,630 RAM, 32 MB VRAM?


(I just hope to post it in the right place and that you cound understand the CRAPglish i write)

Have a nice Nigth!

PD: The instructions seems to point to the partitioning option, anyway, they seem very complex (One of the wrost thing of the <<OTHER>> OS)

Yeah those hardware specs are just fine.

You could spend hours messing with boot options like network booting, floppies, (I don’t think a machine of that vintage supported USB booting?) but really the easiest is to temporarily put an optical drive on it. Another would be to temporarily move the HD to another machine for the install (though you will have to fix up the HD controller, video and network card detection once moved back, so don’t get too comfy with the HD in its temporary home).

You could not think what my OLD lady could do, i remember a add boot hardware option <-EDIT], it will not support usb drives, but as it needs an optical drive, and the add wardware to boot is necesary (it does not do atomatically, is strange) maybe the usb could be detected…

Maybe i could fix the laser of the old drive…

Anyway then, is the same instalation the livecd one that the full one?

im comfused there…

it does not have more than one D.E. but, all the other things are or i should miss anithing?

Also, i think the distribution of the kde version is more familiar to me (as i come from windows)… so, should i pick the kde3 live cd or the kde4?

could install more D.E. in case i dont like the one i have?

Thanks, and sorry for my bad english. (maybe syntax)

The livecds have just one DE, either KDE or GNOME, whereas the DVD has both and more software. So if you install using the livecd some additional software will be fetched from the net rather than from the DVD. But the livecd has enough for a base install.

You might as well get a DVD-ROM if you are going to install an optical drive as they are so cheap. Also you’ll be able to play DVDs later.

Most people here would recommend sticking with KDE3 (I think that one is an unofficial livecd built by a kind person) until KDE4 is more polished. You can have more than one DE installed at the same time, they don’t clash, and switch between them for different sessions.

Cool, that sounds great. i never tougth that you could have more than one DE running(if you count that there is even any alternative to the window’s one). also, i’ve got here a dvd drive (the one broken(not really, it made the effort to read cd’s, withouth succes)) that it didn’t burn cd’s, so i will see if burn with another comp…

Only by curiosity, I can pick a “Retail” version here in Spain?

I’ll test if the drive works with an “update”*…
Anyway, i’ll go to rest a while, i’ve got work

*(Meaning with update <<smashing to death>> rotfl!)

Yeah I’m sure you can buy a box set or a pressed DVD from a duplicator. Maybe your local Linux club has somebody who can make you a copy too.

Only for curiosity, because it seems to have some problems to perform the boot from a DVD…

Could anyone make me a list of the included software of the dvd that the KDE4 LCD does not have?

Thanks again, and sorry if i seem to have nosense