i’d like to mount visual studio iso to use it with wine if possible (see if it works, and avoid dual boot if ok)
i did a # mount -t iso9660 -o loop /media/iomega_hdd/myfile.iso /media/iso but then it tells me the OS does not support iso 13346 UDF specifications
with # mount -t udf -o loop /media/iomega_hdd/myfile.iso /media/iso it then tells me the iso is already mounted in loop :
mount -t udf -o loop /media/IOMEGA_HDD/Iso/fr_visual_studio_2008_professional_x86_x64wow_dvd_X14-26327.iso /media/iso/
mount: according to mtab /media/IOMEGA_HDD/Greta/Iso/fr_visual_studio_2008_professional_x86_x64wow_dvd_X14-26327.iso is already mounted on /media/iso/ as loop
linux-d2g5:/home/fabrice # mount | grep iso
/dev/loop0 on /media/iso type iso9660 (rw)
> Well yes, the use i’ll have of this iso , but 1st of all it’s only
> mounting an iso in suse
> i then have to find the .exe in it, and use it’s path with wine ,
> something like : $ wine path_to_the_exe.exe
I’m not sure how germane it is, but I got VS 6 to install from CD using wine
1.1.19. Most of what I’ve tried works but the only real thing I wanted was
FosPro so I haven’t given it a good wringing. I did have to manually copy
a couple of dlls from XP - mscvrt20.dll comes to mind - but launching the
app from a terminal sessions identifies the missing pieces pretty quickly.
One thing that did NOT work was the master installation setup - I had to
individually install the components as the component selection app got lost
trying to do the directory and disk switches during the install and I never
did find the missing system piece it wanted. Can’t help with later versions
of VS as I have long since let my subscription lapse.
> I’m curious to how well it works, once you get the ISO mounted.
Good point. I failed to emphasize that I installed FROM CDROM, not an iso.
None of my current batch of apps under wine (all three of them <g>) have
shown any issues with any media once mounted.
The ISO file you have on that CD may be a corrupted one. Otherwise, you should be able to mount that as a loopback file system.
(Also, just try it after copying the ISO image to the harddisk).
> Hi,
> that’s curious for i was told yesterday on an irc chan that wine was
> not able to manage .msi files used by virtual studio (VS)( ??)
> so you tell us wine does run VS, that’s great!
> Still willing to mount this iso then.
> Or shall i burn it on a cd and mount the cd (?)
> Tell me what you did to mount your cd please
> thanks
No, I’m not telling you VS works on wine - read the disclaimer - only that
Visual Foxpro from VS 6 works. That’s serval years old and MS has always
been a moving target, so YMMV with anything else. The VB part works to the
extent that FP scripts in VB compile and work and C++
compiled/linked “Hello World”. Beyond that, a Foxpro based accounting
program I have to be able to use runs and accesses any media I can mount
for normal r/w operations.
The clue here is that openSUSE mounts the VS distribution media. Since the
central installation app can’t find the directories on it’s own CD, I
simply open a terminal session, cd to the appropriate directory containing
the element I want to install and run "wine setup.exe from that terminal.
That’s it, even a retired circuit designer can do it
If Linux is unable to mount a CD/DVD, there ain’t no way a Linux coded
emulator is going to be able to use said device - period. Even VirtualBox
with passthru hardware access is iffy in that case as best as I can tell.
If the goal is to just run/develop .NET applications then one place to look is the Mono projectwhich is an open source .NET framework and the project is sponsored by the same Novell that develops openSUSE (sponsors? not sure the technical relationship).
It’s got promise, and handles a lot though being a VB.NET programmer it lacks a little for me, but that’s just me.
Somebody I know, an old Foxpro programmer, found an IDE for building Foxpro that runs on top of Mono. Boy, he’s happy! I’ll have to see about getting the name of the program from him.
> Somebody I know, an old Foxpro programmer, found an IDE for building
> Foxpro that runs on top of Mono. Boy, he’s happy! I’ll have to see
> about getting the name of the program from him.
That would be much appreciated. I’m not a fan of Foxpro but I’m in the
middle of a forensic recovery project on a 15 year cumulative accounting
database that is suspect and FP SQL at version 6 leaves a lot to be
desired. I’m a lot more comfortable with DB2 or Oracle - to the point I’m
moving the tables to DB2 to do all the analysis so being able to script the
translation would be a huge help. Interesting project but the tedium is
getting to me!