Installing unofficial OpenSUSE package

Quite often when looking for software i find myself at a page on this site

… for example this time it is looking to install maven.

I am confused by all the choices??
How does one determine which repo to choose from??

I can see that some have different version numbers, but the latest (3.60) is available from no more than 13 different repos??!!!

How to decide which to install into one’s repo list??



None… You need to select the show experimental and select the development repository that normally links to factory as this will be the maintained version.

In this case it’s not pointing at factory (follow the url link on the left) to devel-tools-building

Then the repos is here;

Only use home repositories as a last resort, which one to use, only way is to look at the package and build log to see if any potential issues. Or if presented a home repo to use/test, for example here on the forum.

Thank you so much for this explanation!!

Installed maven in a flash … put it under /usr/share/java/maven … and somehow puts it in the PATH as i can run mvn from anywhere … but i cannot see how, as it did not change my $PATH and i cannot find any env $VAR that points to maven. Would be interested to know how :slight_smile:

So glad i asked this question as i would never have worked it out by myself!! … and makes me realize that I have done things wrong in the past!!

Only defense being the portal is non intuitive to the uninitiated … EXPERIMENTAL and COMMUNITY convey misguided intent.

Great stuff!

{THINKS: I must ask more questions}

You can find the mvn in use via;

which mvn

I imagine it’s in /usr/bin/ and a softlink or script to start the binary to the maven app…

Since the day the current web search was created, I commented immediately and often how the “experimental” and “community” categories are not just “non intuitive” but reversed from how those terms have always and even today are used everywhere…

Community - Typically means a group of individuals coming together for a single, common purpose like a Project. Not like how the Web Search seems to define as individuals who each create their own “home” projects as part of the overall openSUSE ecosystem.

Experimental- Typically high risk, trying new things. Contrarily, the Web Search applies this tag on established communities that provide solid and reliable support for the project, application or technology.

Since there has been no response and no action (The band-aid of simply changing the UI labels would be sufficient, even if no underlying functionality and labels are changed), I assume this will never change and openSUSE Users will just have to make the adjustments on their own. The time and resources to do this would be not just trivial, it would be almost imperceptible since this wouldn’t even require any kind of testing… It would only require authorization to do it.

And yes, I submitted this to bugzilla long ago, so it’s not like this hasn’t been done through proper channels…


If it annoys you so much just go fix it…