As the title says, I’m trying to install Umbrello using openSUSE Argon and I get:
>>> sudo zypper in umbrello ±[master] ✓
[sudo] password for root:
Retrieving repository 'Main Update Repository' metadata ..........................................................[done]
Building repository 'Main Update Repository' cache ...............................................................[done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
Problem: umbrello-19.11.90-lp151.3.1.x86_64 requires, but this requirement cannot be provided
not installable providers: libQt5Core5-5.13.1-lp151.2.1.x86_64[]
Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
install libQt5Core5-5.13.1-lp151.2.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
openSUSE --> obs://
install libQt5DBus5-5.13.1-lp151.2.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
openSUSE --> obs://
install libQt5Gui5-5.13.1-lp151.2.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
openSUSE --> obs://
install libQt5Location5-5.13.1-lp151.1.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
openSUSE --> obs://
install libQt5Multimedia5-5.13.1-lp151.2.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
openSUSE --> obs://
install libQt5Network5-5.13.1-lp151.2.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
openSUSE --> obs://
install libQt5NetworkAuth5-5.13.1-lp151.1.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
openSUSE --> obs://
and so on and so on… I guess I shouldn’t proceed?