Installing Suse 11.2 under VMWARe View 3.5

I am running vmware view 3.5 and I am trying to install suse 11.2 32 bit.

I install choosing all defaults. keyboard and mouse work fine till after first reboot. After 1st reboot I lose keyboard and mouse and suse is now frozen in its welcome window state.

I have deleted and re-installed 3 times with the exact same results every time.

Granted this may be a vmware issue but Im not sure on how to tell since I cant access anything on the Suse side.

PS. Suse 11.1 installs and runs beatifully.

This install is with KDE. I am installing with GNOME now and will report the results.

Installed KDE with LSI and BUS adapter. Both give same results.

Installing GNOME now.

Well…GNOME runs fine. It certainly looks to be KDE…

I prefer KDE over GNOME if anyone has a fix for this please let me know.