Installing software


In my Windows machine I use an application called POPfile which sorts out spam from genuine emails and wnich I have found it very useful.

I have found a link to a Linux installation package but it appears to be broken as I get a “404” error. Does anyone know of any other Linux version of the software. The one with the broken link contains all the modules (Perl etc.) that Popfile uses whereas the only other one that I have found is Does OpenSuse open zip files?

Assuming that I find popfile, how do I install it? I have run Software manager but it can’t find popfile.

This last question may seem very naive, but I have been using OpenSuse for less than a week and it still seems rather strange

Have you looked at spamassassin?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.1 (i586) Kernel
up 0:13, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.29, 0.26
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME

Hello, Welcome to the Linux world and comminuty.


Does OpenSuse open zip files?

openSuSE is able to open almost any format of archives out there. You just need to know how to.

Assuming that I find popfile, how do I install it? I have run Software manager but it can’t find popfile.

If the installtion package is developed for openSuSE, it should end with an .rpm, which you should be able to easily install by just double-clicking on it and following the instructions YaST asks you to follow.

Good luck.


Hi Malcolmlewis,

Thank you for your message and sorry for the delay in acknowledging it. Yes, I had a look at Spam Assassin but as a week old newbie (i.e. a newbie for a week) it looks too daunting for me. Apart from the daunting installation procedure, I haven’t found anything so far on how to set it up once it is installed. Perhaps it is better, at the moment, to put up with the spam. From what I have read to date it appears to be specifically designed for Evolution but I want to use Thunderbird as my email client and, perhaps, remove Evolution from my machine

I did find a cross platform version of popfile but, again, the installation seems a bit obscure at the moment, in that it is not clear whether the package contains the Perl modules that are needed, whether they are already on my computer or that I need to find them somewhere.

Thanks also Alek for your info. The popfile package ends in .tar.gz and not .rpm

This took a long time to do, but I got the steps down perfect.

Alright, first you’ll need to make sure you have these installed. Open up Yast and go to Software Management.

In the search type perl

Then you’ll need to make sure you have these installed or check them to be installed.


Click accept, and it will download that for you.

Then download the cross-platform .zip file Make sure it’s in your Desktop folder for the purposes of this.

Open up a terminal and type

cd /home/username/Desktop

where username is your username

then type

unzip -d popfile

This has unzipped the files to a folder called popfile in your Desktop folder. Now, in the same terminal, type this

cd popfile

issue these commands one by one in this order.

mkdir /usr/share/popfile
mkdir /var/lib/popfile
mkdir /var/log/popfile
cp otto.gif otto.png favicon.ico /usr/share/popfile
cp stopwords /usr/share/popfile
cp license /usr/share/popfile
chmod +x /usr/share/popfile/
cp v1.1.0.change /usr/share/popfile
chmod +x /usr/share/popfile/
cp -Rf Classifier /usr/share/popfile/
cp -Rf POPFile /usr/share/popfile/
cp -Rf Proxy /usr/share/popfile/
cp -Rf UI /usr/share/popfile/
cp -Rf languages /usr/share/popfile/
cp -Rf skins /usr/share/popfile/

This is going to take more than one post…

It integrates with thunderbird, see here;

I had a look and found an rpm but would need a fair amount of work to
get it working with openSUSE (but do able).

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.1 (i586) Kernel
up 12:51, 1 user, load average: 0.52, 0.26, 0.26
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME

Next you’ll need to create the wrapper scripts for popfile.

Open up your file manager in super user mode. You can do this by hitting alt+f2 then typing

kdesu dolphin

or if you’re using GNOME

gnomesu nautilus

Go to usr/sbin

right click choose to create a new text file.

Name it
don’t put .txt after it.

Now you’re going to need to edit this file. So hit alt+f2 again and type

kdesu kwrite /usr/sbin/popfile-bayes

or for GNOME

gnomesu gedit /usr/sbin/popfile-bayes

copy and paste this text into it the file.

cd /usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_ROOT=/usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_USER=/var/lib/popfile
umask 0027
exec /usr/share/popfile/ "$@"

Save it.

Then erase what’s in the file and copy and paste this into it.

cd /usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_ROOT=/usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_USER=/var/lib/popfile
umask 0027
exec /usr/share/popfile/ "$@"

click save-as and save the file as
once again no .txt

erase what’s in the file and then copy and paste this into it.

cd /usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_ROOT=/usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_USER=/var/lib/popfile
umask 0027
exec /usr/share/popfile/ "$@"

save as

Last one, erase what’s in the file and then copy and paste this into it.

cd /usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_ROOT=/usr/share/popfile
export POPFILE_USER=/var/lib/popfile
umask 0027
exec /usr/share/popfile/ "$@" --set config_piddir=/var/run/ --set logger_logdir=/var/log/popfile/

save as

Now we need to make these scripts executable by opening a terminal and typing

sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/popfile*

enter your root password and it will make the scripts executable.

Another post…

Almost done!

We’ll need to get into the super user mode file browser so hit alt+f2 and type this

kdesu dolphin

or if using GNOME

gnomesu nautilus

go into the folder /etc/init.d
here right click and create a new text file and name it

hit alt+f2 and type

kdesu kwrite /etc/init.d/popfile

or if using GNOME

gnomesu gedit /etc/init.d/popfile

copy and paste this into the file

  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
  # version.
  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  # GNU General Public License for more details.
  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  # Copyright (c) 2003 John Graham-Cumming
  # ===
  # popfile
  # A shell script designed to start and stop POPFile from within
  # /etc/init.d on *nix systems.
  # usage: popfile { start | stop | restart | }

  # RedHat comment block...
  # chkconfig: 345 80 20
  # description: popfile is a POP3 proxy and mail filter
  # pidfile: /var/run/
  # processname: popfile

  # LSB comment block...

  # Provides: popfile
  # Required-Start: $network
  # Required-Stop: $network
  # Default-Start: 3 4 5
  # Default-Stop: 3 4 5
  # Description: popfile is a POP3 proxy and mail filter

pid=`cat ${popfile_pid} 2&gt; /dev/null`

start() {
   echo -n "Starting POPFile as background process: "
   if  "${pid}" = "" ] ; then
       cd ${popfile_root}
       export POPFILE_ROOT=${popfile_root}
       export POPFILE_USER=${popfile_user}
       ${popfile} --set config_piddir=/var/run/ --set logger_logdir=/var/log/popfile/ &> /var/log/popfile/popfile &
       echo " done"
       echo " POPFile already running"

stop() {
   echo -n "Stopping POPFile: "

   if  "${pid}" = "" ] ; then
       echo "POPFile not running"
       kill $pid
       if  -e $popfile_pid ] ; then
          rm ${popfile_pid}
       echo " done"

status() {
   if  "${pid}" = "" ] ; then
       echo "down"
       echo "up"

case $1 in
       echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
       exit 1

cd $cwd
exit 0

Save it then you can exit out of it.

Next we need to install the init.d service. Open up a terminal and log in as root by typing


and then entering your root password

then type this:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/popfile

and then this

insserv /etc/init.d/popfile

create a symbolic link to rcpopfile by typing this

ln -s /etc/init.d/popfile /usr/sbin/rcpopfile

Now you can finally start popfile!

rcpopfile start

It will say

Starting POPFile as background process:  done

Test it out here

If that works then popfile is installed and started and you can configure it from that website.

Hope this helps!


Just restarted. If you restart you’ll have to open a terminal and type

sudo rcpopfile start

then enter your root password to start it up. You have to do this everytime you restart.

Or else create a script that runs that upon startup.

You can also enable it through Yast>System>System Services (Runlevel). Just look for popfile.

Once again I don’t know how to make it start from boot everytime but it works. Perhaps someone more experienced can lend a hand in on that part.

Hope this helps!


I think you’re missing something. Yes, when using Outlook etc. you profit from a thing like popfile. But AFAIC most mailclients on linux have excellent spam handling. Thunderbird and Opera both have highly intelligent methods to deal with junk mail.

I’m very sorry, but anytime I tell you to right click create new text file, in gnome’s nautilus you’ll right click and choose Create Document>Empty File
then type the filename as I said.

Anytime I say open a terminal you can do this by hitting alt+f2 and then typing gnome-terminal and clicking run.

Good luck!
