Hi there, I’ve just installed Leap onto my laptop and for the most part it is working wonderfully. But. I’ve been trying to install Skype via RPM but it wants to open the file with ARK which ust puzzles me. I am pretty sure it didn’t do that before. Surely ARK is not the right program to install new software with.
Oh and Google Chrome and Hangout plugin always fail to download, but I am going to presume that that is a Google problem not OpenSUSE problem.
When Saureland’s advice does not hel;p, please connsider not saying things like “I’ve been trying to install Skype via RPM but it wants to open the file with ARK which ust puzzles me.”, because that gives us no idea about what you “have been trying”. Some people might even guess that you tried by staring with vigour at the screen, but nothing happened ;). Always explain exactly what you have (which RPM) and did with it. Prefarable by copy/past of the prompt, command, output, next prompt in the post (between CODE tags of course, the # button in the tool bar of the post editor). Much less talking for you and much more information for others.
Second advice. Do not mix several problems in one thread. That will create confusion. Start a new thread about your Chrome/Hangout problem, with a good title. That is the only way you wil draw the attention of people knowing things about Chrome/Hangout.
I wanted to be able to install a single RPM package again, so today I right-clicked on a RPM package, and chose ‘Open With’ > ‘Other…’, then entered
xdg-su -c "/sbin/yast2 sw_single %F"
This created 'xdg-su.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications. I renamed this file to software-installer.desktop and edited it so that the name made more sense to me
Name=Software Installer
There should be corresponding update in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list as well.
Now when I want to download a single RPM package, FF gives me the option to install the file using ‘Software Installer’ as desired.