Installing Perl Module with No Internet Access

Hi all,
Sorry if I am being really dumb here, but I was hoping someone could help.

I have a machine running Suse 11.1 with no internet access, so after banging my head trying to install the Perl module Script::Remote (amongst others) I’ve copied an up to date CPAN Mini onto it and attempted installed that instead hoping it would get me over the dependency nightmare.

However installation using this also fails with the following:

Test Summary Report
t/00_compile.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  1
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=1, Tests=1,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  0.01 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.03 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/1 test programs. 1/1 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 1
one dependency not OK (Moose); additionally test harness failed
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports DMAKI/Script-Remote-0.00001.tar.gz
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
Failed during this command:
 ADAMK/Params-Util-1.07.tar.gz                : make NO
 DROLSKY/Package-DeprecationManager-0.13.tar.gz: make NO
 RJBS/Sub-Exporter-0.984.tar.gz               : make NO
 DOY/Eval-Closure-0.08.tar.gz                 : make NO
 DOY/Class-Load-0.19.tar.gz                   : make NO
 DROLSKY/Module-Implementation-0.06.tar.gz    : make NO
 RIBASUSHI/Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.06.tar.gz: make NO
 DOY/Moose-2.0602.tar.gz                      : make NO
 DMAKI/Script-Remote-0.00001.tar.gz           : make_test NO one dependency not OK (Moose); additionally test harness failed

Any ideas, I’ve seen this can be a problem with make not installed but it is installed, so I’m running out of ideas.

The full log can be seen here (I don’t have permission to upload)

Many thanks in advance and again sorry if I’m doing something silly.

NB: There is no way I can put this machine directly on the internet, but I can upload files to it indirectly.

Thanks again.

trevrobwhite wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry if I am being really dumb here, but I was hoping someone could
> help.

> one dependency not OK (Moose); additionally test harness failed

> DMAKI/Script-Remote-0.00001.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK (Moose); additionally test harness failed

Just skimming quickly, so I may be wrong, but I think those are the
important lines. You haven’t installed Moose, and you need it.

> The full log can be seen here (I don’t have permission to upload)

Can’t access that - clicking on the putty.log text does nothing.
(at a guess it won’t work without javascript but:
(a) it doesn’t tell me that
(b) there’s no fundamental reason that such a service needs javascript,
so I won’t enable it on principle)

Thanks, I tried installing Moose and others but they all failed. That’s our corporate storage area, I’ve uploaded my club site (it will link direct)

I’ve found the issue it was because the date was in the past, correcting this seems to allowed it to install.

trevrobwhite wrote:
> Thanks, I tried installing Moose and others but they all failed.
> That’s our corporate storage area, I’ve uploaded my club site (it
> will link direct)

Thanks. I wish I lived near enough to join your club :slight_smile:

trevrobwhite wrote:
> I’ve found the issue it was because the date was in the past, correcting
> this seems to allowed it to install.

Yes, it seems quite prominent in the full log! Looks like some fairly
enthusiastic error-checking in some of the modules’ installation
scripts. Glad to hear you got it fixed, anyway.

Thanks for you help, yea it’s a good club (except when its raining like last night).

I must admit I kind of ignored the time error (I’ve requested for the time on the VmWare server to be corrected - I don’t have permission myself), I was surprised it errored the whole install, but thought I’d better check it again.

Live and learn.