I’m new to Linux and have successfully installed openSUSE 11.1 as a virtual machine in Parallels on my MacBook Pro.
I’m now trying to install Parallels Tools. Using Terminal in openSUSE I can switch to the Parallels Tools virtual CD (“cd /media/Parallels\ Tools/”), but then when I type:"./install" in Terminal I get this message:
“bash: ./install: No such file or directory”
What am I doing wrong? I have successfully followed this same process in another Linux distribution I am trying. I’m following the instructions here:
Installing Parallels Tools in a Linux guest OS
I’d be grateful for any help!
Can you post the output of the following command?
cd /media/Parallels\ Tools/
ls -l
Well, with not files in that directory there is also no way to run one of them.
Did you burn the parallel-tools CD and insert it to the drive before trying to install?
You need to create a CD by burning the ISO file prl-tools-lin.iso
Well no, I was trying to use the virtual disk in Parallels Desktop, which has worked for me before … But now I have burnt the file prl-tools-lin.iso to a CD, as suggested, and I can see the disk on my openSUSE desktop …
So far so good … but what do I do now - how do I run the Parallels Tools installer? I have tried ‘cd /media/cdrom/’ in Terminal but that returned ‘no such file or directory’.
Thanks for your help, and apologies for what must seem very basic questions!
choose Devices: CD/DVD ROM : Connect Image…