installing opensuse on a laptop which can't install from DVD without windows?

my current laptop had dual boot windows and suse…until windows stopped working (what a surprise) but that’s not been an issue as i never use windows anyway. however, i couldn’t install suse straight from BIOS as, for some reason, the laptop won’t boot from DVD. if you go into windows though, insert the install disc, it allows you to install something which then tries to boot from DVD when you load windows…allowing the install to take place.

but i’ve realised, when i want to do a fresh install (which i do, as my partitions are a total mess and i just want a fresh start) i’m wondering whether i can even do it? or is there a way of getting that boot loader thing from suse?

does anyone else know what on earth i’m on about? haha

thanks in advance,


When your BIOS is unable to boot from the DVD, it may be able to boot from an USB stick. When yes, search the forumson how to create an install USB stick from the DVD ISO.

On 2012-06-21 19:16, thestig wrote:
> my current laptop had dual boot windows and suse…until windows
> stopped working (what a surprise) but that’s not been an issue as i
> never use windows anyway. however, i couldn’t install suse straight from
> BIOS as, for some reason, the laptop won’t boot from DVD.

That’s what you need to investigate. Any DVD, or just the openSUSE DVD? Try
booting from a USB.

> if you go into
> windows though, insert the install disc, it allows you to install
> something which then tries to boot from DVD when you load
> windows…allowing the install to take place.

The people here are not familiar with that feature. I used it last on 1998,
so I can’t help you there.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

thanks, i’ll have a little looksy when i get chance. i’m guessing if i get the ISO file on the USB stick i don’t have to run the actual operating system from there…i.e. i can install it from the USB stick onto the laptop, where i will not need to use the usb stick in the future, right?

thanks chaps

On 2012-06-24 22:26, thestig wrote:
> hcvv;2470566 Wrote:
>> When your BIOS is unable to boot from the DVD, it may be able to boot
>> from an USB stick. When yes, search the forumson how to create an
>> install USB stick from the DVD ISO.
> thanks, i’ll have a little looksy when i get chance. i’m guessing if i
> get the ISO file on the USB stick i don’t have to run the actual
> operating system from there…i.e. i can install it from the USB stick
> onto the laptop, where i will not need to use the usb stick in the
> future, right?

Same as you don’t need the CD/DVD after you install it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

I’d be double checking your BIOS settings because booting from the DVD should be possible and you may well need to change the settings in there to set up the USB to booting. Installing openSUSE from windows is useless IMO, forget it.

On 2012-06-25 06:16, caf4926 wrote:
> I’d be double checking your BIOS settings because booting from the DVD
> should be possible and you may well need to change the settings in there
> to set up the USB to booting. Installing openSUSE from windows is
> useless IMO, forget it.

Or even a faulty reader.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)