Installing live DVD

I installed Opensuse 11.1 from live CD but would now like to install the full software DVD version. Unfortunately I cannot boot from my DVD drive as it is Sata on an IDE mobo (I use a PCI card to use Sata DVD drive once OS has loaded from HDD).

Is there a way of installing Opensuse from live DVD without booting and loading from DVD drive? maybe from within a loaded opensuse session.

Any help greatly appreciated.:slight_smile:

if you are connected to the internet, you have access to all of the
stuff on the DVD, plus lots and lots more, through the repositories…

if you are not connected to the net, you could still insert the DVD
and use YaST > Software Repositories to enable it as a source…then,
any search you use with YaST Software Management would find it and you
can install whatever you wish from the DVD without starting over by
doing a fresh install from the DVD…

by the way: there is LOTs of stuff on the DVD that most folks don’t
have any need to install…i mean, its not like Windows[tm] where the
more you have the more you have spent, and the more your friends think
you are cool…just install what you need…


Many thanks Platinum,

That sounds great, I’ll try it out. Does the DVD also contain software like python and java jre?

Thanks again.:slight_smile:

> That sounds great, I’ll try it out. Does the DVD also contain software
> like python and java jre?

probably, but i’m not sure…if it is not on the DVD it will be in the

the thing is, the whole system is designed with the idea that the
machine will have access to the online repo…
