Hey everyone I need help, obviously.
I’ve tried a few times to install LimeWire onto my laptop, and all to no avail.
Can anyone help? All I’ve found out there on the net is for KDE, but this helps none since I have Gnome.
What a coincidence, I just installed Limewire myself :). Go to the download page and choose the alternative Linux package, not the Ubuntu/Debian one. Download it, unzip it and open a terminal and execute this line (assuming that you extracted the archive in your home folder):
Ha! Awesome. Thanks, I was wondering about the alt. Linux.
why not use Frostwire? FrostWire.com - Official Website - Free BitTorrent/Gnutella Client - No subscriptions, Just download and install
Exactly, Microchip.
That’s what I was just about to ask about.
I went to FrostWire’s site just now, what package do I install?
get the tarball package from here FrostWire.com - Official Website - Free BitTorrent/Gnutella Client - No subscriptions, Just download and install
there are only RPMs for Red Hat
ok, now what?
frostwire is in the repo’s easier to install that way
unpack the archive and run/click on the runFrostwire.sh script. Make sure the script is executable.
Thanx, micro!
Oh, it looks like this one is much better. It seems to be based on Limewire.
Just add the Packman Repository.
Then install it via Yast.
It will be listed in the software list.
The RPM will install on any RPM based distros, it just said redhat as that is what rpm is based on. You can also use the repo.
I have never heard of FrostWire, before I have been using aMule but looking at their website it looks exactly like Limewire.