Installing KDE 2.0 Problems

Im trying to install KDE 2 using the factory from here

But i run into this error and am not sure which action to take.
Error Message/Conflict Message

Any Ideas?

You mean kde 4.2
the answer is ‘do not install kde4-gwenview’

Oops, yeah 4.2 my bad xD. And thanks

No worries. Let us know if you need any more help.

Check that your KDE 4.2 repository has higher priority than your update repository.

You should be OK to set all repos to 99, except oss and non-oss leave those 120.

This issue might also be related to a naming policy change. Certain packages have been re-named from eg; kde4-amarok
to just; amarok
kde4-gwenview to gwenview

expect others in the future progression of kde4