installing intel fortran compiler 11.1 on opensuse 11.1


Please can some1 guide me to the intallation and test use of intel fortran compiler pls. I m a total newbie to this. I ve managed to follow info on the web to download and install the non comercial version of intel fortra compiler 11.1 on my 32bit system but when try to compile a simple test it does not work. Please can some1 tell me what to do pls.

Why do you want the intel compiler? Why don’t you use the GNU one?

I really dont know about ne of these. a coleague told me to install the intel one and thats the one we use to compile our code. Pls I will appreciate any help pls.

I ve succesfully installed intel on my opensuse 11.1, it just that its not compiling a simple test. pls help

Fortran (latest version)

zypper install gcc44-fortran

Fortran 77

zypper install gcc33-fortran

Thanks for ur reply, here is what i get below:

zypper install gcc44-fortran
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘gcc44-fortran’ not found.
Resolving package dependencies…
Nothing to do.

Check your repository settings first:

zypper lr -u

If you don’t have the openSUSE OSS repo, add it and then, try. Here is the URI for that: