On 12/24/2011 04:46 AM, Franz57 wrote:
> Since I got openSUSE 12.1, I’ve tried installing the Go language many
> times now, the usual way with YaST.
i have no idea why your download stalls…but, there are many previous
threads on that subject, and as far as i recall, lots on stalling at
98%…but, before you look for those:
i looked at Google’s instructions on how to get started with Go and
found no mention of using YaST or any other distro’s package manager…
so, i decided to see what would happen if i exactly followed their
instructions (which don’t mention YaST) here:
if you don’t already have all the programming stuff, just open YaST >
Software Management, switch from the “Search” tab to the “Patterns” tab,
scroll down to the Development pattern, and single left click (to
install) “Base Development” and “C/C++ Development” then click the
“Accept” button…that should give you all the bits they talk about
(GCC, C libs, parser generator Bison, GNU make and awk.
now, since openSUSE has no “easy_install” command i used instead, in a
root terminal
zypper in mercurial
then, i changed back to a normal, non-root user and just followed the
instructions (that is do NOT run the hg command as root)…and
everything worked as expected here…took a while to do all the
compiling and testing, but after a wait (a LONG wait, some it looked
like nothing was happening…so BE patient) i saw:
Installed Go for linux/386 in /home/denverd/temp/go.
Installed commands in /home/denverd/temp/go/bin.
*** You need to add /home/denverd/temp/go/bin to your $PATH. ***
The compiler is 8g.
so, just follow the instructions and if you get to a part that doesn’t
work, ask! like you might have first asked:
When following http://golang.org/doc/install.html to install Google’s
Go programming language i try this
sudo easy_install mercurial
and i see this:
denverd@linux-os114:~> sudo easy_install mercurial
root's password:
sudo: easy_install: command not found
what do i do now???
now, having said all of that, i also wanna say:
-=WELCOME=- new poster, but in the future please be more careful where
you post your questions! Google’s Go programming language is not an
“application”, so your question should have been placed in the
Programming/Scripting forum here http://tinyurl.com/5v695w4, that way
the real programmers have a chance to help you…
so, take some time to familiarize yourself with the structure of our
forums, here: http://forums.opensuse.org/ and let us know how you get on
with Go…
DD http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!