Installing DisplayLink driver on suse leap 42.3

I am trying to set up a second usb monitor with my system. It works just fine in windows but not when I’m in linux. After a bit of searching I discovered that I need to get the DisplayLink driver.

I’ve been trying to follow the instructions from these links:

But when I try to run the line

patch ./evdi/evdi_fb.c ./evdi_fb.patch

I get the following error:

FAILED at 229

 FAILED at 247

 2 hunks FAILED – saving rejects to file ./evdi/evdi_fb.c.rej

I am not sure how to proceed from here.

I run openSUSE Leap 42.3 with a 4.4.159-73 kernel and I have an Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller.

Hi, the post you’re referring to is quite old, so the patch may not work on current systems, but …✓&q=evdi

Yeah, it’s still not working. On a positive note, I think I’ve actually got evdi installed now. I was never convinced this was the case earlier.

On Sat 10 Nov 2018 10:36:02 AM CST, kalliso1 wrote:

Yeah, it’s still not working. On a positive note, I think I’ve actually
got evdi installed now. I was never convinced this was the case earlier.

My evdi module wasn’t built for Leap 42.3 (as it fails with the newer
release), so not sure it’s built for the running kernel version :wink:

Can you confirm what’s installed?

uname -a
/sbin/modinfo evdi
zypper if evdi-kmp-default

I’ll probably have to do some patching to get it to work… any reason
not to upgrade to openSUSE Leap 15.0?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SLES 15 | GNOME Shell 3.26.2 | 4.12.14-25.25-default
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uname -a

Linux 4.4.159-73-default #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 14:36:27 UTC 2018 (1f84342) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

/sbin/modinfo evdi

filename:       /lib/modules/4.4.159-73-default/weak-updates/updates/evdi.ko
license:        GPL
description:    Extensible Virtual Display Interface
author:         DisplayLink (UK) Ltd.
srcversion:     E01B3A0E1BE31B7998AC0DE
depends:        drm,drm_kms_helper,syscopyarea,sysfillrect,sysimgblt
vermagic:       4.4.76-1-default SMP mod_unload modversions 
signer:         openSUSE Secure Boot Signkey
sig_key:        03:32:FA:9C:BF:0D:88:BF:21:92:4B:0D:E8:2A:09:A5:4D:5D:EF:C8
sig_hashalgo:   sha256
parm:           initial_loglevel:Initial log level (int)
parm:           initial_device_count:Initial DRM device count (default: 0) (ushort)
parm:           enable_cursor_blending:Enables cursor compositing on user supplied framebuffer via EVDI_GRABPIX ioctl (default: true) (bool)

zypper if evdi-kmp-default

Information for package evdi-kmp-default:
Repository     : home:malcolmlewis:TESTING                         
Name           : evdi-kmp-default                                  
Version        :                 
Arch           : x86_64                                            
Vendor         : obs://
Installed Size : 2.9 MiB                                           
Installed      : Yes                                               
Status         : up-to-date                                        
Source package : evdi-                  
Summary        : DisplayLink VGA/HDMI driver                       
Description    :                                                   
    Extensible Virtual Display Interface (EVDI) is a Linux® kernel module that enables
    management of multiple screens, allowing user-space programs to take control over
    what happens with the image. It is essentially a virtual display you can add,
    remove and receive screen updates for, in an application that uses the libevdi

As for upgrading to leap 15.0…I just haven’t had the time and probably wont until closer to January/February. I’ve had a series of moves and now I’ve got several project deadlines coming up. Several versions back, I had an upgrade go drastically wrong and I had to do a fresh install. I had everything backed up, but it’s made me hesitant to do anything until my deadlines pass.

On Sun 11 Nov 2018 10:26:02 PM CST, kalliso1 wrote:

uname -a


Linux 4.4.159-73-default #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 14:36:27
UTC 2018 (1f84342) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux --------------------

/sbin/modinfo evdi


filename: /lib/modules/4.4.159-73-default/weak-updates/updates/evdi.ko
license: GPL
description: Extensible Virtual Display Interface
author: DisplayLink (UK) Ltd.
srcversion: E01B3A0E1BE31B7998AC0DE
depends: drm,drm_kms_helper,syscopyarea,sysfillrect,sysimgblt
vermagic: 4.4.76-1-default SMP mod_unload modversions
signer: openSUSE Secure Boot Signkey
sig_hashalgo: sha256 parm: initial_loglevel:Initial log
level (int) parm: initial_device_count:Initial DRM device
count (default: 0) (ushort) parm:
enable_cursor_blending:Enables cursor compositing on user supplied
framebuffer via EVDI_GRABPIX ioctl (default: true) (bool)

zypper if evdi-kmp-default


Information for package evdi-kmp-default:

Repository : home:malcolmlewis:TESTING
Name : evdi-kmp-default
Version :
Arch : x86_64
Vendor : obs://
Installed Size : 2.9 MiB
Installed : Yes
Status : up-to-date
Source package : evdi-
Summary : DisplayLink VGA/HDMI driver
Description :
Extensible Virtual Display Interface (EVDI) is a Linux® kernel module
that enables management of multiple screens, allowing user-space
programs to take control over what happens with the image. It is
essentially a virtual display you can add, remove and receive screen
updates for, in an application that uses the libevdi library.

As for upgrading to leap 15.0…I just haven’t had the time and probably
wont until closer to January/February. I’ve had a series of moves and
now I’ve got several project deadlines coming up. Several versions back,
I had an upgrade go drastically wrong and I had to do a fresh install. I
had everything backed up, but it’s made me hesitant to do anything until
my deadlines pass.

Well you could look at grabbing the src rpm and installing the kmp from
that so it moves out of the weak-updates…

Then as your user (after installing dependencies) eg, rpmbuild, gcc,
make, kernel-devel, kernel-syms etc, run

rpmbuild --rebuild evdi-

You need to run the above command in the same directory it’s in. In
your user home directory it will create a rpmbuild directory structure
and can install the kmp as root user.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SLES 15 | GNOME Shell 3.26.2 | 4.12.14-25.25-default
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please show your appreciation and click on the star below… Thanks!