Installing Codecs


I am trying to install missing codecs to my openSUSE 11.4
I found this

How to Install Multimedia Codecs in Linux - Softpedia

I downloaded file all-20110131.tar.bz2

There is no instructions where to download this file so i downloaded to /home/downloads.
Following instructions how to proceed i used terminal and terminal wrote me this

Directory: /home/janez
Mon Aug 15 10:16:34 CEST 2011
janez@linux-cia6:~> su - root
linux-cia6:~ # tar -xvf all-20110131.tar.bz2
tar: all-20061022.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
linux-cia6:~ # 

It confused me this:

Downloaded file is all-20110131.tar.bz2
In instruction is all-20061022.tar.bz2

I downloaded another file from here

linuxwave: Installing multimedia codecs in linux

And this is all-20061022.tar.bz2

I repeat the process, same results.
Since i am not wery familiar yet with terminal, and english is not my language, i am asking for simple explanation(if it possible) how to install codecs.

On this forum i found this

Multimedia in One Click

With link to

Restricted formats/11.4 - openSUSE Community Wiki

Before i use this i have a question - is this install all required codecs?
I need codecs to play mkv, mp4, H264(x264), avi, no DVD

Than You for answers.

The option you used is not the way for openSUSE. You already found the link, follow the instructions and you will be fine. “Packman” is the magic word. It has all the codecs you need.

You should keep to this: Multimedia in One Click

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