Installing and removing a DE/Window Manager, E17

This is basically two questions which to me sound simple, but do not wager a simple answer when using my usual search parameters.

I found e17 here Index of /repositories/X11:/Enlightenment:/Nightly/openSUSE_12.1

Obviously this is taking place on 12.1 (Gnome 3, x64)

It looks clean and stable, but it also looks small. First question, is there a way to discover how much space it would take to install it? Using one click gives no explanation of whats going on.

After that, if I were to install it: What would be a simple, clean, and elegant way to remove said DE? Meaning all packages it installed and nothing more. I realize it would be safe to run it as a separate user, so the profile for that user would not conflict with any settings of another DE.

And correct me if I’m wrong, but it is a ‘DE’ so to speak? Meaning I can install and run it like any other session, from gdm?


Enlightenment is a light Desktop enviroment (yes, like gnome or kde or lxde or xfce)
I can’t vouch for it’s stability
I don’t know what space it will take, but likely not much (Maybe about 200MB?)
Probably no easy and clean way to remove it

Thanks for that response. It does seem pretty small after looking over what it pulls in, and what you said seems right to me. I’ll check my disks before and after installing. As far as removing it I’m only worried about the packages and not the settings since it will only run on a separate account that I can always remove that should get rid of most of it’s settings. I’ll try to a manual install now that I think about it so I can get a list of what those packages are.

It may be that when you add the repo, and then open software management, it offers a pattern, like you already have for kde and gnome etc…
If it does, then removal is certainly easier