Installing 3rd party software from a zipped file?

Been looking for an HTML program with WYSIWYG. I found Kompozer and downloaded the zipped package. I also downloaded Aptana even though it is not WYSIWYG but have read good reviews on it. I am not a novice, I have been in graphic design and ASP programming for over 15 years, but I do like to see what I am creating as I create it instead of writing it out and then looking at it in a browser. Now that I am learning PHP I know this is not always possible but for HTML layout I do like the WYSIWYG environment a little better.

Anyway… I have these zipped packages but have no clue on how to install them. The sites where I downloaded them does not have much information and when I do a Google search I get mostly ubuntu or debian information.

I am using Tumbleweed with the Gnome desktop. Can someone please tell me how to install these packages manually? Don’t laugh but I have tried unzipping and copying the folders to the applications directory but that does not work >:( Ok laugh, that was pretty funny. :wink:

Thanks in advance,

No need;

zypper in bluefish

Bluefish is installed via Yast. so would I use:

zypper in


zypper in kompozer-0.8b3.en-US.gcc4.2-i686.tar.gz

Never mind, it worked with with the other zips… I just needed to add sudo in front as it was asking for root permissions.

Thanks Malcolm, you have been so great! This is twice you have saved me!!! :slight_smile:



What does this mean??

Retrieving repository ‘Packman’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘Packman’ cache …[done]
Retrieving repository ‘Packman Repository’ metadata …[done]
Building repository ‘Packman Repository’ cache …[done]
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘kompozer-0.8b3.en-US.gcc4.2-i686.tar.gz’ not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of ‘kompozer-0.8b3.en-US.gcc4.2-i686.tar.gz’ found.
Resolving package dependencies…

Nothing to do.

Same thing with Aptana but only quicker, no repositories

No need, as in look at using bluefish… for the others thats a whole new kettle of fish compiling from source tarballs…

This is a 32bit system?

Yes, it’s 32bit

Kompozer is six years old…

Like I said install bluefish and use that, else look at extracting the Aptana tarball and inspect that for documentation/install details.

That is far beyond my capabilities… I guess if it isn’t available in Yast or in an .rpm package I don’t need it LOL. I tried that on the Adobe supplied pepper flash and it didn’t work either. Oh well… thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Did you true bluefish then?

Normally I would download, but not interested in giving them my email…

I installed it via Yast. I looked over their install instructions and the only instructions for openSuse was the program manager. I remember playing with openSuse over 10 years ago, I never heard of Debian or ubuntu back then but they seem to have a lot of information on them out there now. They must be real troublesome systems.

I will go download Bluefish from the site and try the installation you suggested and see if it works or if I get errors again. I will post the results :slight_smile: Back in a few.

EDIT: Which version do I get?

No, it’s already available in the distribution, just use the command zypper in bluefish it will add a menu item and away you go.

Sorry for sounding stupid… but where in bluefish do I type that? The blank page? I have looked for a command line and cannot find one.

You install it the same way you install all software pckages on openSUSE:
YaST > Software > Software Managent, the type bluefish in the Search field and Search. It will show at richt, click on the square ti mark it for installation and click below right.

Did you never install any software package?

Alternative is from a terminal emulator (like Konsole in KDE):

su -l -c 'zypper in bluefish'

as Malcolm already said.

Yes, as I stated above, I installed Bluefish from the software manager.

The original question is how to install 3rd party software from a zip or tar file. I have 3 programs that I have downloaded, Kompozer, Aptana, and Pepper-Flash from Adobe.

I don’t know how to install them as the only instructions for installation on these sites are for every other OS but openSuse. These are not available in this software manager.


I tried to take it out of the compressed package and using above… this is what I get…

su -l -c 'zypper in Aptana_Studio_3'
Retrieving repository 'Packman Repository' metadata ......................[done]
Building repository 'Packman Repository' cache ...........................[done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'Aptana_Studio_3' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'Aptana_Studio_3' found.
Resolving package dependencies...

Nothing to do.

There is 118 meg of information, it looks like everything is contained in the folder… so how do I install this?


  • Kompozer is old code, you would need to extract somewhere and build. Once you extract it (In Nautilus, right click extract here) inspect the README or INSTALL text files on what’s required. I have my doubts that without some serious patching would the code work…
  • Aptana, visit their website and check there documentation on how to install…? Or as per the above extract the tarball and look for install instructions.
  • pepper-flash, isn’t that available from packman repo?

Aptana does not have instructions for openSuse, they have it for ubuntu and debian and something else… and yes, there is a peper-flash in packman but it is 64bit, the one I got from Adobe is 32bit.

This is getting frustrating, I will give this to windows, the .exe file makes installs a breeze. LOL

Then you need to talk to packman folks about creating a 32bit rpm.

Pepper-flash or flash from adobe? Adobe provide an rpm, grab that?

Found a download for studio3 here (released in Oct 2014…yikes more old code) Releases · aptana/studio3 · GitHub also a later release (source only) from Oct last year, looking at that.

So for Studio3, just extract somewhere and browse in to Aptana_Studio_3 directory, then double click the binary file called AptanaStudio3.

No worries… i’m not gonna worry about it. as i mentioned above, I will stick to rpm packages or maybe just go back to ubuntu. I really didn’t care for it too much but it seems there is more for it as far as customizing the look and software. The only good thing about unbuntu is that everything worked right out of the install, I could play both my audio and video files in the default system. Not sure why that is since I am using Gnome here and they use Gnome as well. The totem play will not work at all for my video, it keeps telling me that I need quicktime for mp4 files, I install all the gstream and then get an error that it cannot play files over the network even though the files are on my hard drive. VLC works great though so that was my solution. I don’t know… this Linux is all so foreign to me and it seems that trying to do the most simple things is complicated. Maybe it’s me, I may be too dumb for Linux… or maybe I just don’t have the patience I use to. I just remember setting up openSuse on my home server about 10 years ago and it was much more simple. I could get everything to work with minimal effort.

I really wanted this to work out since I really don’t like Microsoft and was planning on using Linux on the new laptop when I can afford to get one. Even going back to 13.2 I seem to be limited on a lot in some areas but can do more in others. Not sure what to do now.

I think I am going to walk away from all this for a while before I start pulling my hair out LOL.

Thanks for everything Malcolm. I appreciate all your effort! :slight_smile:

For codecs and prioprietary stuff the Ubuntu folks seem quite happy to ignore copyrights and patents… For us, that’s why it’s called ‘open’ SUSE, as in open source, even non-oss stuff is limited these days. I avoid flash if I really really need it I boot osX, many companies are starting to drop flash, the sooner the better.

I use Fluendo codec bundle (this is not free), one rpm to install all multimedia taken care of, I use handbrake (my own compile) to err backup dvd’s and then there is tvheadend for transmitting HDTV to the devices here, then I use the VideoLan VLC to play media (except music).

I have been hearing that Chrome and Chromium is dropping flash. The ffmpeg works for things like youtube and facebook video, the only thing I really need flash for is for this one on-line game I play, Angel Alliance. I use Firefox for that but with Tumbleweed it crashes a lot!

I guess I can use my roommates windows laptop to play that game when she is not home LOL.

As for changing themes and such, that is not really necessary but nice to do every now and then as a fresh look is nice. I think that is why I like Gnome at the moment, I have always used KDE whenever I installed openSuse, even back in the day. It’s a nice change of pace.

I really don’t think I am going to put ubuntu back on this thing, as mentioned, I really don’t like it… I have always used openSuse and I guess I am a creature of habit. Or maybe just loyal to it for some strange reason since it was my first. LOL.

I may however go back to 13.2, Flash worked well on that but had issues with VLC. It’s always something right? :rolleyes: LOL.