Installed openSUSE... now what


I’m a windows user who wants to familiarize himself better with Linux. I got openSUSE from a friend referral.

So now it’s installed but I wanted some guides on what I should do next to familiarize myself better in a linux enviroment. Of course I want to try everything in ssh/kernal instead of using the GUI.

Let me know if there already is a good guide on what to do after install.

I hope you could all help me become a great linux master like all of you!

Thank you

I would suggest just doing what you would normally do on your computer. Surf the web, set up email, play games…

I agree. Just start using it. If you have any questions or problems, then post here. There are numerous online references. A godd one to get started with is here:

Concepts - openSUSE

A Gnome orientated OpenSUSE guide:

OpenSUSE Desktop Essentials - Techotopia

no one is really a master, things grow and change in linux as it the rest of technology(very quickly) but your enthusiasm is a good start^_^ there are a ton of resources out there, everything from this forum to purchasable books. i personally try to vary across the range saving the forum as a last cry type deal. however all of the resources i’ve found are topic driven so none of them do something as broad as familiarization. my suggestion would be to decide what you’d like your system to do first, do some research through old threads here and of course on the web as a whole. using linux is a wonderful learning experience but having some goals makes it easier to become familiar with the system as a whole because many principals and even command line inputs can be adjusted to suit varying situations.

i know not the clearest advice but its about the same advice i gave “she who must be obeyed” so really its about the best i got^_^

Hi and welcome to the linux world.

You will need to learn w/e you need in order to operate efficiently for reason you define yourself. For instance: If you like games, make sure you get the latest Graphics Card Drivers. Since youre used to using Windows, try getting all the apps that you found useful in Windows on youre newly installed SuSE so you can feel even better about it. If you cannot find a developed linux version, try using wine(will work for some windows apps.) or, just simply look for a substitute.

I hope you could all help me become a great linux master like all of you!

Begin with a couple of books about the linux kernel and how it’s constructed.

Here’s a openSuSE book, which you can freely use as a guide.

There are many online resources, documentations out there. All it takes is - time. I must warn you though, even though I shouldn’t, Learning Linux will take time. A lot of time. I personally know users for more than 10 years and are still learning every day. So … there’s only 1 more thing to say.

Good luck, hope you enjoy your experience with openSuSE, and post whatever you desire and whenever you wish. We’re here to help.
