I installed d2x-rebirth from the games repository. It is not in the main menu, and I can’t get it to start under terminal. How does it start? Does it need anything else, like files from the Descent II discs? Any help is appreciated.
There doesn’t seem to be a package/rpm for d2x-data in the repos
Most of the linux games i have seen have a game*.rpm an game*-data.rpm
I found that we need the data to run the game
[HR][/HR] |[D2X-XL addon data archive](http://www.descent2.de/files/d2x-xl-data-|*additional data required for running D2X-XL*|
You may download the same from their site and “make”, “compile” an then play the game
I have all of the old discs. Could it be a simple issue of copying in the various data files? When I get time I will check the development site. Thanks!
installation steps here
Descent 2 - Software, Levels, Infos
As I did more research I found the dosbox emulator that says it will run descent and lots of other games in an emulator window. I am going to give it a shot and see how it works. Looks like it may be a great option. Thanks for the help.
i have used dosbox and it does play DOS games
Command usage is
dosbox <folderpath>/game.exe
Install d2x and then copy the data from the original CD, and add
manually a shortcut to your menu or desktop
unfortunately, OpenSUSE doesn’t seem to offer a D2X-XL rpm.
The current version doesn’t need any additional data beyond the original game data to run.
However, D2X-XL will show its full potential if you download and install the extra content (high resolution textures, sounds and models) available for it.
You can download the source code from the D2X-XL website and build the program yourself. Right now, you also will not need to build the SDL and SDL_mixer libs from the source code provided on the D2X-XL site; D2X-XL works will with the standard SDL and SDL_mixer on Linux.
The D2X-XL project also provides Eclipse project files as well as a cmake control file to support e.g. code::blocks.
You can find extensive installation directions on the D2X-XL web site.
Link: http://www.descent2.de
karx11erx (D2X-XL maintainer)