installation stops

last 3 lines, in a white terminal screen with green background and suse logo, are:
directory: /home/ user

what now?

I am all green to this:(

Try and tell the whole story…
Then we might have half a chance

On 02/11/2012 09:06 PM, jacklindquist wrote:
> what now?
> I am all green to this

well, considering that there are maybe 2000 ways to get to that point
(wherever that point is–because it is certainly not a normal point for
the install to stop) i don’t know how anyone here could guess how you
did it or what is next, so let me ask some questions…

after -=WELCOME=- new poster

-what are you trying to install? (yes, i know to you that is obvious,
but not to me…are you installing openSUSE or SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server or Desktop? and, what version [there are currently two openSUSE
versions and several SLES/D supported]?)

-before attempting this install did you read any of the provided
pre-install instructions/tips/hints? like:

-where did you get your install media? if downloaded, did you check it
for correctness with sda1 or md5 checksums to make sure you had a viable
iso prior to burning the disk? see

-after checking you had a good iso, and burning the disk did you self
test the disk this way:

-you say “installation stops” referring to the walk though of the
install process available from the download page [click Official Startup
Guide link on, and then on the link
to “Installing openSUSE” and you will see representation of the various
pages of the install script] at what point did the installation stop
looking like what is in that documentation…or, did it ever progress
to that point?

you need to give us a lot more info before anyone here can guess what

Read what Distro Watch writes:

trying to install 12.1 with the kde gui, everything goes fine until the last 1.5% of the configuration (auto), disabled the fw on resent reboot, but was still left with only a small terminal screen reading user@linux-e6b1:"$, …can`t seem to find any ref. to this, during the install processs the graphics looks fine, just what i was hoping for, i seemed to be working like it should

thank you denverD well i done did most exept checking the iso copy in the laptop, read what i could and understand what little that amounted to, and again thank you for your time,so its off to the laptop again ( an older amilo, 4yr.,)

here`s what i get:
dvd lable: opensuse-dvd-i586-buildøø39. dvd1
checks out ok
all 6 sectors done
installation mode… new…next
time zone… next
suggested partion…next
create user… use pass for admin…auto login…next
install settings… boot from MBR disabled…boot from “/” disabled…install from images enabled…firewall disabled…ssh disabled
preform installation 100% REBOOT
configuration (auto config)
Terminal screen:

the last line seems to change for every reboot… hmmmm

On 2012-02-11 22:36, jacklindquist wrote:
> trying to install 12.1 with the kde gui, everything goes fine until the
> last 1.5% of the configuration (auto), disabled the fw on resent reboot,
> but was still left with only a small terminal screen reading
> user@linux-e6b1:"$, …can`t seem to find any ref. to this, during
> the install processs the graphics looks fine, just what i was hoping
> for, i seemed to be working like it should

Do you really expect us to understand what you wrote and help? :-o

Please read it again.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 02/11/2012 10:36 PM, jacklindquist wrote:
> everything goes fine until the last 1.5% of the configuration (auto),

i understand that it went fine for 98.5% but then did it it just hang
with nothing happening at 98.5? for how long? did the screen flip
directly from 98.5 to white and show you that “user”@linux-rsfw:"$

or did you do something, like:

> disabled the fw on resent reboot,

what does “disabled the fw” mean? how did you disable what?

if i understand “” during the install you got to slide 8 [the number 8
is below the screen i’m talking about] (see here:
and instead of putting in a user ID in the username block you typed
“user” is that correct? or did you just leave it blank?

did you also leave the password field blank??

and, so you got to screen 13 in that walk though and the counter got to
98.5% and just stayed there forever right?

or did it go to screen 13?? is that the screen you are describing?? if
it is, just log in…type your user name in the top block and your
password in the bottom, and press the enter key.

Read what Distro Watch writes:

i fill in all the information on screen 7 some times, some times not, the checkmark for admin. login, same difference, with the password for admin. set i get to screen 13 after that it´s the small terminal screen

sorry but english is not my native language, and my spelling is not that good either, and i am very new to linux

On 02/11/2012 11:46 PM, jacklindquist wrote:
> Terminal screen:
> directory:/home/jack
> date…
> jack@linux-frgu:"$
> the last line seems to change for every reboot… hmmmm

hmmmmm is right!
first, i have no idea why that screen comes up…
second, normally if something is so wrong during boot that it dumps you
at a terminal, the screen should look more like

linux-frgu login:

but, OH! during install, on screen 8 you must have left the check mark
next to “Automatic login” (which is ok, but less secure than most want
their machines to be)…

SO, yours is automatically logging you in, but then not starting the
Graphic User Interface (GUI) windowing system for some reason…

tell us, on screen 6 of the install, what did you pick for your Desktop,

so TRY this:

-shut down
-boot up, and at the first green screen, as soon as you see it start typing


and before you press enter, make SURE you spelled it right…then, press

and tell us what happened…did you boot to your desktop? (sure hope so!)

Read what Distro Watch writes:

On 02/12/2012 12:16 AM, jacklindquist wrote:
> sorry but english is not my native language

what is your native language? or, be sure and scroll down on this page
to see if there is another language that might be better/easier for you:

there are 14 to choose from

> and my spelling is not that good either

could you tell me what you meant to spell when you wrote “disabled the
fw on resent reboot”

i want to know what you are disabling
and, when in the boot process you are disabling it
and, how you disable it
and why

and, please tell me what a “resent reboot” is? ah, is it ‘recent’?

believe me, i am not trying to poke fun at your english! but i can’t
help if i can’t understand…

> and i am very new to linux

we all were once…and, we all understand how confusing it can be…and,
we all remember how ‘lost’ we were at first…so, relax and eventually
you will LOVE it…

patience…but, have a look at the potential of a different language forum…

Read what Distro Watch writes:

just to say that i solved the issue about no GUI after the install sequence was completely finished (all necessary blanks filled), I kick started startx with the sudo command , recieved my GUI , rebooted and all works well, my laptop wont run the 3D (it is old) but thats ok, for some reason the small icon with the radio button menu was not visable in the admin.logon frame,so there was nothing to choose, apparently forcing me into the terminal, and not even into /home/user, that was what i could not understand, ( frgu…?.what is that a missing control blok…?) but now it works, great os thanks

On 02/12/2012 05:06 PM, jacklindquist wrote:
> I kick started startx with the sudo command

well, you shouldn’t do that!
instead you should “su -” to root and then “init 5”

> the small icon with the radio button menu was not visable in
> the admin.logon frame

openSUSE does not have a GUI “admin.logon frame” because you should
never need to log into the desktop environment as root, ever.

> so there was nothing to choose, apparently forcing
> me into the terminal, but not into root that was what i could not
> understand, (frgu…?..missing control blok…?)

what control block?

and, PLEASE–what does this mean: “disabled the fw on resent reboot” ??

Read what Distro Watch writes: