>> Is it fine with PuppyLinux to learn the basics of Linux as an operating
>> system for Desktop and Servers?
> absolutely!
i’ve thought more about your question and my answer…and need to modify:
if you want to learn the basics of Linux as a server, then Puppy is
gonna be pretty good for you…
if you want to learn the basics of the command line interface, the
‘guts’ of the system, the file system, administration, the ‘language’,
maybe do some scripting, manually edit some config files, do some
programming and those kinds of things then you will be VERY happy, i
but, if you want to learn the basics of wildly rotating 3D cubes
and/or next months cutting-edge, packed with CPU cycle wasting
eye-candy of a KDE4.4 desktop (or ANY KDE desktop), or the Gnome
desktop i do NOT know…i kinda doubt puppy comes with KDE or Gnome…
so, installing Puppy to learn the basics of ALL Linux desktop
computing would be kinda like installing Windows 95 in order to learn
the basics of Windows 8…it ain’t work out too well…
well, maybe i don’t know what i’m talking about…i just looked at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_linux to see what window manager
they use (instead of KDE and Gnome) and what do i see: a rotating 3D
but, it ain’t running on KDE but rather something called JWM (Joe’s
Window Manager) read about it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JWM
both Linux AND Wikipedia are wonderful!!
BOTTOM LINE: as you use, read about and learn Puppy, eventually you
will probably stumble across the cause of your kernel panic.
natural_pilot /( )