installation path problem..

I had installed the opensuse 13.2 by the bootable pendrive. But when I installed any software it shows the following error.This error message appears several times.

Empty destination in URI: hd:///?device=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-1SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C532000020218122290

how to solve this problem…Please help me out…

Thanks in advance…

Enter YaST->Software Repositories, and disable or remove the USB drive as installation source.

Or plug in your pendrive again, so that YaST/zypper can access it…

How to disable or remove the USB drive as installation source.After successfull installation of opensuse,I had formatted the USB drive,so there is no image file of opensuse in USB drive…Should I again install opensuse.

Just disable/remove the pendrive in YaST->Software Repositories as I wrote. Then only the online repos are used.

YaST > Software > Repositories Management.
Select the one with hd://… and uncheck Enabled below.

Thanks to all
The problem is resolved…

Thank you

The problem is solved …
Thank you for your solution…