Installation of Slowroll on ASUS ProArt P16 laptop fails to launch Yast Installer GUI

Installation of Slowroll DVD ISO fails to launch Yast Installer GUI on ASUS ProArt P16 laptop. I’m left with a blank black screen but otherwise responding system.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. I downloaded the latest Slowroll ISO openSUSE-Slowroll-DVD-x86_64-Build27.7-Media.iso from (from 2025-01-08)

  2. Flashed the ISO to 64 GB USB stick with Opensuse’s own Imagewriter.
    I also tried Rufus, DD mode and hybrid mode, all with the same results.

  3. Restarted my laptop.
    Booted to that USB stick.

  4. Selected “Installation” in the Grub menu

  5. OS booting went seemingly well for a while (kernel, udev, ) until it was about to start the GUI installer (Yast Installer under IceVM)

It switched to a new virtual terminal, as if to start GUI, and there when the GUI/Installer hung and I was left staring at the completely blank screen. The OS is still responsive. I can switch terminals and use the command line.

On one of the terminals (Ctrl+Alt+F3), I can see an error, as one of the last lines:

error 37: Couldn’t open file /var/adm/mount/driverupdate`

There are couple more of similar errors, but they got “ignored”. Please, see the screen photo.

In another terminal I can use shell. If I do ps -ax I can see:

icewm -c preferences.yast2 -t yast2
/usr/bin/ruby.ruby3.3 … /usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2start installation --arg initial qt …

This laptops is a still relatively new hardware.
AMD based. It has two GPUs, integrated AMD and Nvidia RTX 4070.

Any thoughts?

Try nomodeset kernel parameter.

Perfect. That worked. Thank you.

If anyone wonders:
In the Grub boot menu, you have to act fast, select “Installation” but instead of enter press ‘e’, for editing:

Add nomodeset to the line starting with linux as on the screen photo above.
Press F10 to boot it.