I’m a beginner and this is my first Linux based os. It’s all very new for me.
I made a fresh installation this week and now I tried to install brave browser. I used zypper. Then I want to start up the browser but nothing is happening, except that I see a window opening and closing in the bar under. I thought it may be some issue with brave browser, untill now. I tried to install Vivaldi browser (I don’t like Firefox:)), again with zypper. Now, the same is happening. So, the problem must be somewhere else.
Any idea what is going on and how I can solve this?
If you’re not sure which DE you are using, do this in an X terminal from your main application menu:
sudo inxi -U > /dev/null
inxi -GSxxxy
Copy the whole input and output from the terminal here enclosed in code tags ( # above the input window).
The first line of the two commands should update the ancient inxi version provided by 15.2 to the latest from upstream, which has lots of fixes and improvements that only Tumbleweed users enjoy by using a recent version from standard repos.
First a few words about how one shows the output of terminal text here on the forums.
This is an important, but not easy to find feature on the forums.
Please in the future use CODE tags around copied/pasted computer text in a post. It is the # button in the tool bar of the post editor. When applicable copy/paste complete, that is including the prompt, the command, the output and the next prompt.
An example is here: [Using CODE tags Around your paste](https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/536143-Using-Code-Tags-Around-Your-<br /> Paste).
When someone asks you to do (and show)
sudo some-command
he in fact means to say: please execute some-command “as root”. It is in fact very unimportant how you do execute “as root”, it only suggests that the person that asks probably uses this method, but you may prefer different. Your prompt localhost # shows that you are aleady root. It is thus useless to use sudo to root above and extra. I hope this improves your knowledeg about using root (see also https://en.opensuse.org/SDB%3ALogin_as_root )
Now back to your problem. We can now assume that you area in a KDE/Plasma session when you want to start the Brave browser. How do you try that? By lookibg for in in the main KDE menu. seeing it and then clicking on it? I assume that you did like that, but please confirm. You then say “nothing is happening”. The first thing one should do when something is not starting to satisfaction from the GUI, is trying from the command line. Thus open a terminal and start it from there (I do not use Brave, but I guess the command will be something like
You the will probably see more. And you can hen of course post that here.
localhost:~ # brave
[3956:3956:0421/201714.939220:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(90)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.
localhost:~ #
when I switch to a user account, and I do the same, I get a different message. But I dont know how to copy and past this text from user account to root (Where I am now)
I thought is was more easy to do stuff with root, that I dont have to type the password every time.
But dont you worry, I have read your link https://en.opensuse.org/SDB%3ALogin_as_root and it seems that i shouldnt have done that.
ok! I really didn’t know about that, I was just playing around a little bit, I do not use this laptop for anything else. Anyway, I’ll re-install with gnome this time.
Well root is like administrator in Windows it gives god powers and it is very easy to break things and if attached to a network opens you up to possible bad guys.:’(