Firstly, can somebody advise if running
md5sum /dev/sr0
on a DVD of openSUSE should produce the same sum as on the downloaded ISO file prior to burning?
I’m upgrading a desktop from 11.4 to 12.1 and hitting some odd things I’ve never experienced on any previous openSUSE installation, even on this same machine. Due most probably to a corrupt hard drive on my main but ageing laptop (which itself was due to my thumping it which was in revenge for its old noisy fan sounding like somebody drilling through a wall), my first attempt to burn on there resulted in K3B stating a bad md5sum (it said ‘no info’ or suchlike). So I downloaded all over again on the desktop machine from a French mirror site listed on the official mirrors page. I checked the md5sum on the ISO file and it matched ok (22b4d6bfdb11f5bdd36a05f9968a780c).
When I boot from the DVD, it first throws some error and dumps me at
, but a few seconds later, or after reinserting the disc, it brings up the disc menu. If I then run ‘Check Installation Media’ it complains of
‘Error reading sector 114. Your DVD is broken.’
I’d first tried with a DVD-RW (something I’ve never done before), so I then tried again with the same brand DVD+R I’ve used for all my previous openSUSE 11.x series burns. Same error again. It’s followed by another dialog about a bad SHA1 sum in /var/boot…/i386… (I don’t recall the exact location). It then suggests I can continue insecurely if I trust the source. I haven’t yet tried because evidently something isn’t right and I don’t want a borked upgrade.
I stuck the DVD in my laptop and ran
md5sum /dev/sr0
and that produces f3c66ad90e9fc3c772aecc5dd31034b6 (not a match, but I don’t know if that should be). The only things I can think may be going wrong are (a) having to use Xfburn on the desktop machine to burn the DVD - it’s a very old machine so it’s running xfce, but I’ve always used K3B on my laptop previously, so is it an issue with that software? or (b) the DVD drive on the desktop isn’t fit for the job (it reads and writes discs generally okay but I’ve always burnt my distro discs on my laptop before; can’t do that this time due to the corrupt HD). Unfortunately I have no facility to install via USB or network, and zero cash to outlay at present on any solution that costs more than a euro. I’ve always upgraded this desktop with a DVD. Where should I go from here (aside from taking anger management courses)?